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When I had finally awoken from a dreamless sleep, I was in Tyler's bed. With no Tyler. I rubbed my sleepy eyes and yawned, glancing around the room for him, "Tyler?" The sound of the shower running in the bathroom had answered me.

I tiptoed over to the door, pressing my ear against it, "Ty-" Before I could get his name out, I heard murmuring. Hush whispering filled the bathroom, and the shower was just a cover up. He wasn't showering at all.

"Okay?! What do you want me to do about it?" He whisper-yelled into what was most likely a phone. There was silence, and then him muttering again, "I can't do that! Do you want me to go to jail for life? ..Look, shes with me, so um.. all you have to do is your dirty little -" He paused, "What the hell do you want from me, girl? I didn't even deem you as my sister, first of all. Why'd you tell him big brother? You're the same age as me! ...You want her? Fine."

I tapped on the door, "T-Tyler?"

"Shit," He whispered, "I gotta go.. yeah.. uh-huh. I'll do it. Whatever, love you too, bye." The door clicked, and swung open, revealing Tyler in nothing but his boxers.

My face reddened, "Oh! I-I didn't mean to.. uh.." He kissed my forehead, and pushed past me.

"Its fine." He pondered over to his suitcase, pulling out a pair of pants and a plaid shirt, "Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah.." I glanced at his phone, which he had set on his nightstand, "Its kind of rude for me to ask but.. uh, who were you talking to?"

"Oh, um.." he shrugged, "S'nobody important."

"Oh." I hopped on my bed, and pulled out my phone, sending Robin, Star and Cyborg a quick hello, "Where are you going?"

"I thought since you weren't feeling well earlier that I'd pick you up some dinner."

"Dinner?" I glanced outside, realizing that the sky had turned from an aqua blue to a calm, midnight color, "I didn't know I slept so long."

"Hah, yeah. You were out like a light. I didn't want to disturb you, since I had woken up a few hours earlier. So, I let you sleep in my bed."

"Thats very nice of you." I scoot back on my bed, "Thanks."

"No prob. Now, what do you want from Dunkin' Donuts?" He questioned, pulling on his coat.

"I thought DD served breakfast only." I tilt my head.

"Oh they do. And Lunch I think. I just thought it'd be cool to have breakfast for dinner." I nodded, watching him grab his keys.

"Um, a donut with sprinkles and a latte would be enough." I say, as he heads for the door.

"As you wish." He grins, the door shutting behind him. As soon as I heard his footsteps receding, I scrambled off of my bed and grabbed his phone that he had left. It was already unlocked, so I began scrolling through his text messages with a number that hadn't been saved in his phone.

Unknown: Did you do it yet?
Two weeks ago at 1:30 am

Me: Yes. But, Im starting to feel bad doing this.
Two weeks ago at 1:45 am

Unknown: Suck it up and grow some balls! This is revenge.
Two weeks ago at 1:47 am

This was around the same time of the party! At least around thirty minutes after what Tyler and I did. And, who was this person? I bit my nails nervously, pulling out my phone and texting Robin.

Me: I think I just found something.
7:12 pm

He replied immediately.

Robin: send me a screenshot. We've been hitting dead ends over here.
7:12 pm

I took a picture of Tyler's messages, then sent it to Robin.

Robin: Looks suspicious. We'll look further into it. Keep digging around.
7:13 pm

Me: On it.
7:14 pm

I went through his photos, which were mostly him and Yuki. He had a couple pictures of landscapes and a few memes here and there. I almost gave up hope with the photos, until I found the trashcan album. There were many inside. Videos, pictures, everything. I pressed one, and it began to play, starting off with a dark screen. Then, the camera focused on a little boy's face.

"Ish it working, dad?" His face zoomed into the camera, and I couldn't help but smile, "Ish on! We're rolling!"

The camera wiggled, and someone else took ahold of it, while Tyler ran off to meet two other girls. I watched silently, standing up on my feet.

"Im Tyler." Tyler spoke into the camera, "And thish' ish' my sister, Yuki!" Yuki's adorable face popped into the view with a giggle, and the camera backed up, "Thish' ish' our firsht film! Of our new house!" The camera swivled onto to a large, two story black and white house. It turned back to Tyler and Yuki with a beautiful lake view behind them.

"I'm Yuki! I have a different hair color from Tyler." Yuki popped up behind Tyler, above his head and grinned down at him. She was suddenly on his back. Yuki moved so fast, I didn't even notice when she climbed on, "It's because I'm adopted!"

"Now Yuki, we told you to stop saying that," A deeper voice spoke, "Your mother and I love you just as much as we love our other two." Yuki's infamous blue twinkly blue eyes came into view, and she grinned, "Now where's Bella?"

My grin dropped. What? I stared more intently at the video.

"She's over there!" Yuki pointed behind her towards the lake. The camera moved to the lake, where a girl with golden brown hair stood staring into the water.

"Bella?" She suddenly dove into the water, and the camera dropped into the green grass, "BELLA!!!"

Screams erupted, and a big splash. Then, three people, a large one, and two small ones who I recognized were Tyler and Yuki, carried a soaking wet Bella towards the grass, "Is she okay?"

"Dad!" That was Tyler's shriek, "Save her! She'sh not breathing!" I could hear Yuki's crying, and their dad, I assumed, giving Bella mouth to mouth. Then suddenly, the video cut off. I sat back, cupping my mouth. I studied the blank screen for a second, before scrolling to one of the photos. Hundreds of them, pictures of Bella, Yuki, Tyler. Them together, them separately, the two girls, the one boy. Tyler had deleted all of them off his phone, because he knew I'd figure it out.

Tyler was Bella's brother...

Suddenly, I felt hands around me, and a rag was pressed up against my mouth. I screamed, and shrieked before I slowly lost consciousness.



Well, there goes a cliffhanger. Bwahaha! I hope you enjoyed this chapter!


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