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I've got to go. I have to. I can't be here anymore. "I'm leaving." I announce, and the five turn around.

"Why?" Robin asked, "We just got started."

"I just.." I hugged myself, staring at the floor, "I have to go do something. Tyler, Yuki, you can stay if you'd like. I'll find my way home."

"That's okay. We're coming. Only if space lady gives us another ride." Tyler motioned to Starfire. She grinned and nodded.

"Alright. Cyborg, you and Starfire take (Y/n) and those two home. I need to have a little talk with a friend of ours." My stomach twisted at the sound of that, and I turned to step into the elevator. The others filed behind, and the doors closed. The elevator was silent, each of them looking in a different direction. I slid down in the corner of the elevator, trying not to break out into sobs.

We got out of the elevator, stepping out onto the beach, and nobody said a word. Starfire grabbed Yuki around the hips and Tyler around the chest, flying off with them. Cyborg put a hand on my shoulder.

"It'll get better." He said in the softest voice I've ever heard him talk in.

I sighed, "Lets hope so." He picked me up bridal style, and launched off. I felt myself curl into a ball in his arms. He looked down at me, and I looked up, and he gave me a warm smile. Tears swelled in my eyes. I hope he didn't start short circuiting.

We were at the college faster than I thought we would be. I pulled my key out from my back pocket with a sigh, and turned to Cy and Starfire.

"Thanks for helping us, you guys." I tell them.

"Yeah we appreciate it." Tyler added and the two nodded, setting off. Tyler put a hand on my shoulder, and I looked at him.

"You okay?" He asked. I didn't answer. All I did was look away and hoped he understood, "What happened?"

My nails dug into my arm, and I bit my lip. I really didn't want to answer him, "Nothing. Nothing happened." The receptionist that usually sat at the front desk with a big twisted frown on her face wasn't there. In fact, nobody was in the hallways. It was quiet. Almost too quiet. I pushed 'up' on the elevator, and the doors almost immediately slid open. The three of us stepped inside, and the silence followed us, weighing guilt on our shoulders and pushing us farther apart than we've ever been. I was terrified for a future without Gar. Everything I planned and figured out for myself had him in it. It was pitiful. I hope my baby sister never goes through what I'm going through.

I sighed again, the elevator doors squeaking open. I was the first to push past them and start down the hallway towards our dorm. I could tell they wanted to ask me. Tyler was dragging behind, even though he's usually right beside me, and Yuki was way behind me, even though she's usually perky and infront of me bouncing around and asking what we'd be doing next. It's sad that I've brought all of this into their perfect lives. I wonder how much fun they would be having if I never met them.

I pushed open the door with a grunt and threw off my jacket I forgot I was wearing. Our room looked the same as we had left it. My phone was on Tyler's bed, and I had grabbed it before he had any opportunity to hand it to me himself. I flopped on my bed and began to delete every single text message I sent Gar or he sent me. I even took myself out of the chat group that he stupidly put us into with the other Titans. Then, without another word to Tyler or Yuki, I slipped under my covers, tucked my knees in, wrapped my arms around myself and fell into a well-needed sleep.


"-N)? (Y/n)?!" Someone shook me violently. I jumped awake, "(Y/n), wake up! You're dreaming.." Tyler's face came into view. I could feel my heart in my ears, and my breath was ragged and misshapen, "Are you okay?"

I held my head, staring down at my covered legs. Although, it felt like I was naked and in Antarctica. In other words, I was freezing, "I-I think so.. what happened?"

"You went to sleep and then a couple hours later you were just muttering words that made no sense." I glanced over at the digital clock Tyler set up, and it flashed 2:45 am.

"What was I saying?"

"Something like uh, Bella? And a guy named Jace I think. Then you were like, "die die die, I wanna die, I wanna die" so I woke you up." My head flopped on his chest, and I tried to slow my heart rate down. He didn't bother to move me. He just brushed my hair with his fingers.

"I had a nightmare. High school all over again, but I never met Gar. A-and Bella was torturing me. She was brutal. She.." I sniffed, stray tears slipping down my cheeks, "She made up these awful lies about me, and I couldn't make it through one day of school without getting kicked around and stepped all over. Everybody hated me. Everybody hates me now."

"No, it's okay. Nobody hates you (Y/n)."

"That's not true," At this point, I couldn't tell if I was angry at myself or sad, "Gar hates me, Bella hates me, Raven hates me. Even Jace hates me and he's dead!" My lip trembled, "My sister probably hates me for leaving her." I sniffed, "I thought I could just make it through college and go back to her. But she won't remember me. We were so close, and these four years are going to rip our relationship apart." Tyler didn't say anything. He just held me like he was my mother. Like I was some kind of three year old that was scared of the monsters under her bed. But my monsters aren't under my bed anymore.

They've climbed their way out from under, and squeezed their way into my whole life.


That's so saaaaad! I'm sorry this wasn't posted sooner! Don't kill meeeee! Like I've told some of you I was prepping for Thanksgiving, since it was going to be at my house this year (a lot of effing cleaning I had to do, sheesh.) but here's the next chapter! I hope you enjoyed!

Happy Thanksgiving,

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