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  I couldn't understand a word the girl blushing and apologizing profusely infront of me was saying. I was too busy digging water out of my ear. When I finally coughed up enough water and pennies like a dying fish, and got all the water out of my ear, I blinked glanced up at the girl.

"Oh em gee!" she squealed, a little bit too emphasized, "I'm am so sorry!"

"It's alright," I huffed, squeezing water out of the end of my sleeve, only drying it out a little and turning it damp, "I should've been paying attention."

She pulled me to my feet, and grinned flirtatiously, "I hope you're okay, I bumped into you pretty hard. " she giggled, "Silly me!"

"...yeeeah." The girl was fairly pretty with golden brown hair tied in a messy bun. She had on a bluish-green crop top–even though it was Fall, and cold–with black leggings and bright blue shoes. Well, at least she matched. She had makeup caked on her face, unlike (Y/n) who wore her face naturally and still looked beautiful, and had a grin on her face that just spelled trouble. I looked around her. She didn't have a bike sprawled out on the ground. There was no skateboard behind her. So why would she scream 'watch out' just before bumping into someone if she cool have just been paying attention and went around?

"Well, your clothes are pretty wet, um, maybe we can find a dry cleaner somewhere.." She pursed her lips.

"No, it's cool.. um, I can air-dry." I told her, beginning to walk off, but she wasn't giving up. She yanked at my arm.

"Nonsense! At least let me repay you for bumping you into that mucky water!" She beamed, "My mom just made some pie at home too! You can slip into a bathrobe and eat pie while I dry your clothes!" It seemed like she had this planned out from the beginning. But, I did like pie, so I put on a smile and nodded, "Great!" She cheered, latching her fingers in between mine. I wasnt very comfortable, but this girl was feeding me free pie, so why not?


  I sat on a stool infront of a countertop, one hand squished in between my thighs, and the other pushing a fork full of pumpkin pie into my mouth. I chewed slowly, savoring every bite. This girl's mother baked a mean pie, definitely better than any pie at the pie shoppe I've tasted. The robe she gave me was soft and comfy, and even green! So, it was like me wrapped in my own flesh.

Okay, that sounded totally disgusting.

I heard her feet against her wooden stairs, and my head snapped towards the staircase, "I hope you're comfortable."

"I am," I said with a mouthful, "Thanksh'." She giggled, and I smiled halfheartedly.

"So, Beast Boy, how old are you?" She leaned against the countertop.

"How'd you know my name?"

"Oh, I know all the Teen Titans' names. I'm a huge fan. The biggest if I do say so myself." She cut herself a slice of pie. It was a neat, clean cut, almost like she was an expert or something. I watched her gently put it on a saucer and slide in the microwave. She set it to ten seconds and waited, the microwave humming.

"Oh." Was all I said. There wasn't much I could say. My mind kept wandering. What was (Y/n) doing right now? Was she having fun? Was she happy? Is she okay?

"–east Boy?" My head craned towards her, and I made a small noise to let her know I was listening, "You okay? Seems like you got a lot on your mind."

"Yeah.." I picked at the last few bites of my pie, "I do.."

"You can tell me. I'm all ears."

"Well, my girlfriend started college and the career she chose, she needs to go to college for four whole years. I won't be able to see her much. She'll be studying and working and.. and–" I paused to look up at her. Something flashed in her eyes. And just as quick as it had popped up, it vanished. She was clenching the saucer. I was wondering if her fingers were burning.

"What's your girlfriend's name?"

"..I don't think.. I should tell you. I mean, I barely know you and–"

"No no," she dropped the saucer on the countertop. I'm surprised that it didn't crack or shatter, "I get it. I'm a stranger. Ha ha!" She strained a laugh. I shifted in my seat, "Well, could you at least tell me what college she goes to?"

"Winstern University. Home of the Corsac Foxes?"

"Oh, that's my college!" She grinned, clapping her hands together, "Maybe I've seen her."

"Yeah.. why aren't you in class?"

"Oh pfft, My classes today are at night. And I didn't get a dorm, because y'know I wanted to be home." I didn't know they could do that.. I'll have to ask (Y/n). I heard a small clunk, and the girl's head turned towards the stairs, "That must be your clothes."

She came back faster than I thought.

She pushed my clothes in my hands with a grin, "Um, thanks for the dry." I thanked her, she just bowed her head lightly, "Whats your name?" She suddenly gave me a wicked grin.

"Bella Winchester."


Holy crap.

Is that Bella from the first story? Hell yes it is! That's right folks, Bella is back! And this time, she's not going down without a fight!

Well, we'll see about that won't we?


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