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[play the song and read]


  The party was starting off fantastic. Most of us were tipsy, laughing, cracking jokes and flirting just a little bit with eachother. Davion and Liam bought the type of alcohol that buzzed in the back of your throat and sent your world before you spiraling in just three shots.

  "Oh, oh! (Y/n) come dance with me!" Yuki cheered, yanking me off the floor and onto my feet. I stumbled helplessly, and she caught me under the arms. We both bursted out laughing, twirling around Dav, Liam and Kaitlyn in a circle on the floor. Tyler took a seat in one of the bean bag chairs, stone drunk.

Party anthems get them dancin'
Well I'm the king of second chancin'
Airbrush, shiny, notoriety
They disappear into the back to go and get high-ity.

Hey! Ho!
Where did all the good go?
Baby, this is where you're dead wrong.

Hey! Ho!
Here's to all the zeroes!
And every misfit,
And all my down and outs!

"Hey! Ho!" Kaitlyn tipped her cup to the air. Her phone was turned off, sitting on the table next to her bed in her room, and she was enjoying the party, "Here's to the best fucking year ever!"

"The best fucking year ever!" The rest of us cried out in joy. I was finally having fun. I had forgotten about the note, Gar and I's fight, and every bad thing that ever crowded my life. I danced my ass off. I was drunk like nobody's business. The world spun, tipped and dipped, and I crashed into Yuki. We tumbled to the floor, laughing as we untangled eachother.

"Oh!" Davion shot up, "I have a good idea. Let's play a game."

"Alright," I agreed, "What game should we play?"

Yuki's hand shot up, "Truth or dare!"

"That's always played at parties. How about spin the bottle?" Kaitlyn suggested. I shook my head, sticking out my tongue.

"I know." An evil grin spread across Liam's face, "Hide and go get it. Boys against girls. "

"Oh no no no no. Last time I played that game, I almost lost my virginity. To a dog. The dude made his dog play!" Kaitlyn hissed.

"Oh come on! It'll be fun. Only one rule, you don't have to fuck them." All of the girls sighed in relief, including me,"If you don't want to."

"Trust me. We don't." Yuki snorted.

"Fine." Liam huffed, walking over to the light switch. They're dorms were different from ours. They had other rooms. Like a laundry room, and a kitchen and separate bedrooms, "The game" And just like that, the lights went out.


I tripped over what was probably Kaitlyn, bumped into a chair, and ran into so many walls, they were probably crying in pain for me, "Ready or not, here we come!" The boys said simultaneously. All you could hear was girls shrieking. Yuki scrambled down the hallways into a bedroom. I knew it was her because she was whispering in Japanese the entire time.

I fell into what seemed like the laundry room, because there were two big machines infront of me. I hopped on top of one, being as quiet as I could. The door was shut, but I still heard footsteps coming down the hall.

My attention snapped to my phone when it began to buzz.

Gar: I'm sorry baby... please forgive me. I don't mean to be mad I just want what's best for you.
12: 01 am

Gar: I love you. I want you to know that.
12:02 am

Gar: I really do. (Y/n)?
12:02 am

Gar: please answer me.
12:03 am

I was about to answer, when I heard someone infront of me,"Found you." Tyler stood, leaning on the wall infront of me. The door swung shut on its own, like it always did, and we both stood in complete darkness, "Damn I didn't know I'd get caught that fast," I backed up slightly with a chuckle as he took a step forward.

  "What are you doing on your phone?" He quizzed. He was using the wall to support him. I don't even know how I wasn't passed out and/or throwing up yet. I had about ten to twelve shots.

  "Just um.." I scooted back a little more, until I felt the wall pressed on my back. He leaned on the washing machine, staring at me with his gorgeous green eyes, "I-I was checking my messages."

"Tsk, Cmon you can't spend a night without your boyfriend? How long have you been at this college? Almost a month? Time passes by quickly doesn't it?" I nodded, agreeing. I felt his hand slide onto mine, "At least let loose tonight."

  His arms snaked around to my lower back. Jesus Christ how many hands does he have? He pulled me towards him, his hands falling to my thighs and gripping them lightly. I could feel his nose brushing on the crook of my neck, "For me?" His warm lips pressed against my jawline, and I dug my nails into his sides. He grunted, kissing harder, suckling on me like he was trying to drain the color from my face.

"Tyler.." I mumbled. The washing machine groaned beneath our weight, making a small tink every time he pushed more on it. He rocked me backwards, pulling my head back lightly with his hand, dragging his hand through my hair as the other hooked onto my thigh with a passion, "Tyler stop.." I breathed, "We can't-"

I bit my lip, trying my best not to moan when he found my sweet spot. He chuckled against my throat, licking at it, teasing me, "I won't leave proof. I promise." Then he found his way to my mouth. He pushed my legs open, pressing his crotch against mine, not bothering to hide his boner, "I want you so fucking much, (Y/n)." His hand wandered its way up my shirt, squeezing my breast lightly. I could feel myself getting wet, the heat of our bodies radiating off each other. The friction of our clothes were the only thing stopping skin-to-skin contact. I tried to cover up my moans. I was trying to be loyal. But it was so effing hard with him, "Moan for me. I wanna see you writhe in pleasure."

  My cheeks were heated, my lips were probably swollen. I needed to stop. Now, "Tyler.. please stop.. you're drunk.." Something suddenly hit me. So that's how Jace felt. He was drunk. He really didn't know what he was doing.. you do stupid things when you're under the influence. Guilt struck my heart, as it always does. My head began to pound.

I gasped when Tyler's hand slipped my pants. I could feel his fingers caressing me through my underwear. I pushed him away lightly, and he got the idea, stepping back.

  "What? You don't want me?" He questioned with a sad face. I could hear the others screaming in happiness and laughing. Music began playing again. The game was over.

  "It's not that. I-its just-" he held up his hand, his other going to his mouth.

  "(Y/n) I–" He gagged, "Toilet. I need the toilet now." He shot out of the room, and I was right after him.

  I was scared, I was shocked. But most of all, I was guilty. I almost had sex with a guy.

And that guy wasn't Gar..


Cheese and sprinkles.

  Well um.. that's the first smut of the book.. I hoped you liked? If you're into that..

  Anyway, don't be a silent reader! Comment, Like, tell me what you think!


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