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  The place was bigger than (Y/n) had expected. It was like a never ending maze full of crates and boxes. Her and Gar slid behind one and waited.

  "Psst, (Y/n)! Its me, Tyler!" Whispers surrounded (Y/n), as she stuck her head from behind the large crate before her.

"Ty-" Raven/Bella's demonic face popped up and hissed at her, as (Y/n) scrambled backwards, grabbing Gar's hand. They sprinted through the never ending warehouse-looking place, in desperate need to save their friends and get out alive. Raven/Bella didnt even look herself anymore. It was Bella's body, but with glowing red eyes, claws like a beast, and a large bluish looking tongue that dangled from her lips doused in saliva. She was truly a monster. She scampered up the walls on all fours and clung to the ceiling.

  "Come out, come out, wherever you are!" She spoke in a raspy, horrifying voice that sent your stomach twisting in anxiety, "Im Raven! Im your friend!"

  "You tried to kill me, more than once!" (Y/n) screamed, realizing she was still clutching the knife for dear life, "Youre no friend! Youre a monster! A beast! A freak!"

  "Dont you dare call me a monster!" Raven/Bella popped up infront of (Y/n) slashing her shoulder and leaving a deep scratch. Blood trickled down her arm, as they raced for a new hiding spot.

  "Raven, why are you doing this?!" Gar exclaimed, his head snapping from left to right for the scary creature.

   "All my life, Ive loved you. I may not have shown it," she snarled, "But I loved you. And she pops into the picture and my whole world crumbled at my feet! I want her dead. And I wont stop until she is." (Y/n)'s hands trembled something fierce, as she tried hard to keep the knife infront of her, ready to defend,"Im going to find you. And ill burn this place to the ground searching."

  (Y/n)'s heart clenched hearing something click, and the slow rising sound of wood burning.

  "She set one of the crates on fire!" (Y/n) whispered to Gar.

  "We have to get out of here." He responded. They tiptoed through the building, careful not to touch any scorched ground or flame-eaten wood. Suddenly, Raven/Bella landed infront of them, crazed eyes fixed on them and mouth full of long, sharp teeth twisted into a smile. The heat of the flames beat on their backs, as they scoot away from her. She hissed, lunged at them, and missing Gar by an inch. (Y/n) pulled at his hand, and they charged up a nearby ladder.

"Grab onto one of the lights. M-maybe we can swing to that door." She pointed towards an open door, and Gar nodded. He went first, steadying himself on the ledge, and leaping onto one of the dangling lights. It trembled at his weight, and he clung to it as tight as he could. He took a deep breath, swinging himself back and forth until he jumped, and caught onto the ledge of the other side,"Its possible!" He cried over to her. She nodded, staring down at the beckoning fire beneath her.

She heard a hiss behind her and stiffened.

  "Face me, bitch." Raven/Bella snarled, and (Y/n) slowly craned her neck to her, "Ive waited for this. Ive waited for you to die. You thought you won years ago, didnt you? You think youre better than me?!" (Y/n)'s breaths came out in tiny gasps, as tears slipped down her cheeks. She gripped the knife tightly, "Youre a monster just like me. Hes-" she pointed a claw at Gar, who was shifting his weight back and forth on his legs anxiously,"-a monster. This world is monsterous. There's no escape. No matter how hard you try. So just die now."

  "N-no.. " (Y/n) hiccupped, "Youre wrong.. theres good in this world. You just havent been looking for it." She wiped her tears with the back of her slightly burned hand, and sniffed.

  "Nice choice of last words." Raven/Bella smirked. She let out a cry, and launched at (Y/n). (Y/n) quickly jumped on the light, steadying herself before quickly jumping to the ledge. Her foot slipped, and she reached for the edge, just as Gar grabbed her hand.

  "I got you!" He hollered, yanking her up. She coughed, inhaling a bit of smoke, and leaned against him.

  "Its not over yet!" Raven/Bella snarled, and jumped to the ledge. The two made a break for the door, just as she climbed ontop.

  "Come with me!" Gar yelled through the smoke, "I have a plan!"


Whats the plan? 0-0 i wanna know. Anywaayyy! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! It was excruciating to make!

Dont be a silent reader! :3


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