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If we didn't get out of here soon, Gar and I would both burn to death. I could only see his burned shirt and soot covered hand infront of me, as my lungs filled with smoke. I coughed, tripping over my own two feet to keep up with him.

"Through here." He pulled me into another room, and it looked like we were right back where we started, except it wasnt covered much in fire. We slipped between two crates and charged through another door, which this time had another one that lead to the outside,"We need to get out of here." He moved me infront of him, and beckoned me to go out the door into the grassy field lit up by moonlight,"Go, I'll hold her off."

"Thats your plan?!" I turned to face him,"Gar, Im not leaving you."

"(Y/n), listen to me." He grabbed my shoulder and kissed me softly,"One of us has to live to tell the tale. I want you to be that one. Please go." And with that, he gave me a shove and I tumbled into the grass just a few meters away. I laid there for a second, collecting my thoughts and gathering my vision. Then it clicked, and I sprung to my feet.

"One of us?! Gar wait!" I screamed, rushing towards the building. The roofing was starting to collapse in.

"He went to look for Raven, (Y/n)!" A famliar voice shouted. I craned my neck to Yuki, whose cheeks were covered in soot and neck and arms were burned slightly. I nodded, pushing in one of the burned wooden planks that had fallen infront of the door. My hand ached at the sudden heat, so I tucked it under my other fist and kicked the door. It fell in, collapsing into the small flames just off to the right side of me.

"Gar!" I screamed, "Gar, come back! Im not leaving-" I felt something press against my back. I stiffened.

"Dont move. Or Ill claw you in half so fast, it'll make you heart beat backwards." Raven growled. I bit my lip so hard, I tasted blood. I spotted the gun a few feet ahead, and craned my neck to see Gar in a chokehole, his hands tightly around Raven's scaly wrist.

"Cant we work something out?" I sighed, beginning to turn around slowly. She dug her claw in my stomach, and I hissed, hoping that she didnt draw blood,"Let him go.. and.. and you can kill me."

"(Y/n), no!" Gar screeched, and she dug her claws into his throat. He choked on his words, falling limp in her arms for a second.

"You can take my life! Isnt that what you want? To hold my beating heart in your hands? To bathe in my blood? To say you won? Isnt that what you really want, Raven?" She grinned menacingly, and I swear I heard my insides squish together as her claw dug into me. I clutched my stomach, dropping to my knees and flopping over on my side.

"(Y/n)!" Gar screamed, but my vision was too blurry to see where he was anymore. I sht my eyes tightly, tasting the blood that was rising my throat. I coughed, spitting some on the burnt floor, and opened my eyes. She was doing the same thing to him, but slower. Gutting him, almost. As if she wanted his death to be slow and painful, and her face to be the last thing he sees. My hand inched towards the gun until my fingers were wrapped around the trigger. Shakily, I aimed it towards her head, and Gar stared at me in fear.

"Shoot, (Y/n).." he grumbled. My hands trembled wildly, trying to keep my aim straight. He grunted and growled, staring at me more fierce than I'd ever seen, "Shoot!" He yelled, and his eyes rolled to the back of his head.

Everything went by so slowly. One shot rang out, and hit her square in the head. The bullet traveled all the way through, and I could see light from the other side of her head. Gar dropped to his knees, blood spilling out of his neck. I crawled over to him, and hugged him. He pressed his forehead on mine, before looking up and gasping.

Suddenly, we were rolling over to avoid another plank that had caught on fire. He stood to his feet, and took my hand, wrapping his arm around my waist. Together, we limped out of the burning building just as the roof totally caved in, and landed in a large, awful crash. I could hear sirens in the distance, thankful that Yuki had the strength to call the ambulance and firefighters.

"Gar?" I glanced at him. He looked tired, dazed, as he stared into nothing but the flames and what was left of the warehouse,"Gar? Are you okay?" I shook him slightly.

"Mmh." He mumbled, starting to close his eyes slightly.

"Gar? Gar!" I pat his cheek frantically, and his eyes fluttered, ultimately closing altogether. He flopped against me, and I lost my balance. We both crashed to the ground,"Gar!" I screamed, sitting up and setting his head on my knees,"Someone help! Someone help please!"

I shook him,"Gar! Gar please! Wake up!" Two paramedics rushed over.

"Ma'am, what happened?" The tall blonde guy asked. He bent down on one knee, checking Gar's pulse and getting his blood all over his blue gloves. A stocky brunette woman pulled me from underneath him, and pressed a rag on my stomach.

"I-I dont know! He just.. He-he-" I began to cry, my words mixing in with my tears.

"We need to get these two to the hospital, ASAP!" The stalky blonde guy ordered, and two EMT's hurried over with a stretcher. They lifted Gar on top, and carried him off. The two paramedics pulled me onto a stretcher as well.

"But I want to go with him! I need him! I need to be with him!" I struggled against them.

"Tie her down!" The blondie barked at the brunette, and she began to strap me onto it.

"Stop!" I screamed, tears streaming down my cheeks,"I need to help him! Gar!" His head teetered on the stretcher, but his eyes never opened. I stared at him, wishing that I was there with him, as they pushed me into a different ambulance and began to drive off.

I watched from the door windows, as the firefighters struggled to die down the flames.

The whole time, I blamed myself for all of it.


Jesus christ im not dead!

Im alive, i swear. Oh lord its been so long! Im sorry, ive been grounded! Its taken forever to make this chapter, but I hope you enjoyed!

Dont be a slient reader!


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