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"Well, I can't say I know any villain that writes like this," Robin concluded, scratching his chin, "I'm sure we'll figure it out soon. For now, you should be glad that it's washable. It should come off no problem."

I nodded, pulling on small strands of my hair, "I don't know what person would have a grudge against me or hate me for any reason. I barely communicate with anyone other than you guys." I looked at Gar, and he quickly averted his eyes to a trash can nearby, glaring  at it.

Poor trash can.

"I think I have the rest of the day off. Maybe I could go to the tower with you guys and try to help capture the culprit." Robin shrugged, and the other agreed broadly. The three of them turned to Gar, who casually shrugged his shoulders, still glowering at the trash can. I became agitated.

"Alright then it's settled, (Y/n) you're coming with us." Robin announced, and I grinned.

  "What about us?" Yuki questioned, rubbing her arm. Tyler was right behind her with a hand on her shoulder. Shit, I forgot about them.

  "You think we can take Yuki and Tyler to the Tower with us? It's not like they don't know you guys anyway." I shrugged with a sorry smile.

  Robin sighed, "Fine. But if they work for someone and are collecting intel on us, I'm totally blaming you." I scoff.

  "It's not like that hasn't happened before." I rolled my eyes, remembering the stories they told about a girl named Terra. Gar stiffened beside me, and I turned to look at him. But as soon as I did, his emotionless expression was back on his face. And I wanted to slap it right off.

  So, in the end, Starfire ended up carrying Yuki and Tyler to the tower–that girl is freakishly strong–and Cyborg flew me there, the only way he knew how; rocket boots.

"I never thought I'd ever go into the actual Teen Titans Tower." Tyler sighed in the elevator, watching the screen that flashed the floors we passed. I turned and beamed at him.

"Cool right?" He ruffled my hair softly, and so could see Gar boring holes into the side of my head. Play it cool, I told myself.

The elevator dinged, and the creaky doors slid open. We filed out, and Yuki was the first to start bouncing around.

"This is so freakin' cool!" She exclaimed, hopping in once spot. Tyler held her by the shoulders.

"Calm down, Yuki. We're guests." She nodded, and started to wander down the hall. Sooner or later, she would get lost. I smiled to myself. I took a seat at one of the countertop stools, and Tyler sat beside me. Gar leaned up against the counter next to me. I felt extremely uncomfortable.

"So, we could check the accounts of every villain we've ever encountered and find something they've written on. See if the penmanship matches."

"Cool beans." I said, mentally slapping myself.

"And what are you going to do after you figure out who spray painted her car? Give them a spanking?" Gar's voice surprised me.

"No." Robin smirked, "Arrest them for vandalism."

"That's insane. How much time are you gunna give them, little birdy? A week? Lots of people vandalize and they don't go to jail."

"Because they don't get caught." I mutter. Gar's eyes narrowed at me, and I felt my cheeks heat up.

"And what are you going to do when they get out of jail? They'll only want revenge. You're just driving them, don't you get it?" By now, the Titans and Tyler were staring at us in shock.

"I don't see you making any attempt to figure it out who it is!" My voice rose. He stiffened, then pushed off of the countertop and stormed down the hallway, most likely to his room, "Ugh, you are so fucking sensitive!" I followed behind him.

"Trouble in paradise indeed." Cyborg whispered, even though I heard him.

Gar's door slid open, and he walked through, with me on his tail. The door slid shut behind us, and the room darkened, "Whats your problem?"

"I don't have a problem." He grumbled, hooking up his game console. I took the plug from him, and he glowered at me.

"Clearly there's something wrong with you. Did I do something?"

"Did I do something?" He mocked me, rolling his eyes. I growled and threw down the plug. His console moved a little on his dresser.

"What the hell happened to you? I go to one fucking party and you turn all angry and shit on me, upset that I'm hanging out with another guy!"

"No, I'm angry that you don't have time for us anymore. All you do is talk about Tyler. Tyler did this, and Tyler did that. I'm starting to feel like I'm dating Tyler, and not you!"

"Choose your flavor, babe." I crossed my arms. He growled and moved me back with his arm, taking a seat on the floor.

"Go back to Tyler, if that's who you really want." He said, not looking up from the screen, even though the tv was off.

"I'm starting to think you never even cared about me." My words began to get choked up in my throat. I can't believe we were actually arguing. I thought this would never happen. Not in a million years. He didn't respond, "Fine. If that's how you feel, then.. then maybe we need to take a break." He turned around.

"Are you breaking up with me?"

I looked down and thought about it, "Yeah.." I glanced up at him, "I am.." He stared at me for the longest time, before turning around to see his game start.


Tears welled in my eyes. It felt like my heart had just exploded into a million pieces, "Fine." And with that, I left. And I didn't turn around.



Don't worry people, the story is far from being over! Try not to cry... cuz if you cry, *sniffs* I cry!

You can keep listening to the song if you want to :)


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