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I would assume the lunches they served at the college would be gross, sloppy mystery meat that I was used to being served in the high school cafeteria. But, they had all types of restaurants from Pizza Corner to Burgers Drive-In. It was all there. And Tyler, Yuki, a couple of their friends and I were basking in the glory of food heaven.

"Oh my god, I love college!" Yuki exclaimed with a mouth full of food.

"Ew, Yuki cover your mouth!" Tyler laughed, as Yuki moved her open closer to his face. He pushed her away and they were both in a fit of giggles. I couldn't help but love their strong bond. Bridge and I were just like that. It's a shame I'm so far away from her.

"So, (Y/n), what brought you to Winstern?" Liam, Tyler's buddy, asked me. Liam sat next to me in one of my classes. He had thick, brown hair with blonde tips and smoky grey eyes.

I shrugged, "I don't know. I was accepted by a couple of colleges actually. I chose this one becau-"

"Heads up!"

I was thwacked in the face with a piece of celery. I stayed with my head craned to the side for a second, before snapping towards Davion, another friend of the siblings.

"Davion!" I squealed. He shrugged his shoulders lightly, bobbing his head full of black curls back and forth. I threw a packet of barbecue sauce his way, and it whacked his forehead.


"You two are total idiots." Kaitlyn, a girl I actually met in one of my classes and invited to sit with me at lunch, chuckled, still not looking up from her phone since she sat down. She had bright, straight red hair, and oak brown eyes. A lot of boys liked her. But she told me she was focused on her education, "Throw the picante sauce next time. It's a lot spicier." She began to smile and I laughed.

"I'll take note," I grinned, winking at Davion. His face darkened and he began to eat his pizza in silence, "As I was saying, I was accepted by at least four other colleges. But I chose this one because it was the closest to my family... and my boyfriend."

"You have a boyfriend?!" Davion exclaimed, "Goddamn it!" We all laughed at that.

"Sorry Dav," Tyler rose his eyebrow, "She's not on the market."

"Yet!" Davion rose his finger, "I bet I'm way hotter than the guy she's dating."

"Yeah, and way dumber too." Kaitlyn shook her head. Davion snatched her phone, and it was the first time I actually saw her blink, "H-Hey!"

"You'll get this back when you apologize." So, as they began to fight, and Kaitlyn's claws-literally, her nails are so freaking long-came out, Liam scooted closer to me, starting to steal my fries from my plate.

"Sorry, I'm just really hungry. Didn't have breakfast." He smiled sheepishly.

"It's alright. I don't like the fries anyway." I pushed my to-go box towards him, and he dug in, not caring if I bit on anything or not. It's not like I'm some whore that sucks dick for a living.

Which I'm totally not.

"Yuki, I don't think that's a good idea." Tyler said out of nowhere. They must've been talking pretty low. I haven't heard them for a while.

"Cmon, it'll be great." She pulled at his arm.

"What're you two planning?" Davion asked with a grunt, hoisting himself up off the floor from Kaitlyn's wrath.

"Yuki thought it'd be a great idea if we had a party." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Not a party! Just y'know.. a little get together. Just the six of us." The corner of my eye caught Liam nodding in agreement.

"That'll be fun." Kaitlyn commented, pushing Davion over to sit back down. I think they were beginning to like eachother. Just a certain vibe from them I guess, "A get together to start off a good year."

"I don't know guys," I rubbed my arm lightly.

"Cmon (Y/n), please?" Liam put his hand on my shoulder. The other begged with their big puppy eyes until I gave in and slowly nodded.

"Great! I'll bring cups and napkins." Yuki beamed.

"Davion and I will bring the booze." Liam said, and the two exchanged cheeky grins.

"I'll take movies. I got good horror flicks." Kaitlyn smiled, still not looking up from her device. It was like she was talking to her phone, not us. I kept my moth closed though.

"I guess (Y/n) and I have the food." Tyler smiled at me, and I humbly agreed. After the time and place was set, 9:30 at Kaitlyn's dorm, we dumped our trays and headed to our next classes.

A little later, Tyler, Yuki and I were walking to our dorms, our bellies full and our eyes heavy. "And then, Yuki just like, barfed all over the table she was just dancing on!" Tyler chuckled as we reached our room. Yuki stood behind, giggling at every embarrassing story Tyler had to share about her. I chuckled here and there, but my mind was still wandering, thinking about my boyfriend. I missed him so much.

I used my key to the dorm, pushing it in the lock and twisting, "So, pepperoni pizza or sausa-" before I could get it all out, something swung in my face, and the next thing I knew, I was on the floor with a pail laying next to me.


Oh no! What happened? Where did it all go wrong?

Ha, I guess this is another torturing moment for my readers. Find out in the next chapter!


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