Chapter 20

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Ethan and I arrived at Frank's at around 7:00pm. We choose a table under a painting of alians eating pizza.
After a couple of minutes, Noah approches our table, work apron on and order notebook in hand.

He smiles brightly. "Hello and welcome to Frank's Pizza. My name is Noah and I'm here to help. What can I get you." He says before shrugging. "Alright, now that that's out of the way. Hey Fabes, what's up? How's life in the outside world treating you?" He continues.

I smile at that. "Hey Noah. I'm great, how are you?" I gesture to Ethan. "By the way, this is Ethan, in case you haven't met."

They shake hands.

We decide to get our order out of the way before catching up. We order a large pizza, my half ham,grilled chicken, green peppers, and mushrooms. Ethan's half is ham and pinapple. Wd are both fully aware of how weird our preffered toppings are to most people, so we don't even touch on it.

Noah takes our order to the kitchen and gets our drinks.

While he's gone, the little bell above the door jingles, and Ally and Ira come in.

I wave as they come in, waving them over. They walk to our table, smiling. We say our hellos.

After chatting for a moment, I make introductions, gesturing to each of them as I introduce them. "Guys, this is Ethan. He's my YouTube senpai." He blushes, laughing. I gesture to the girls. "And Ethan, this is Ally and her cousin Ira."

They wave, saying hello. I share a quick look with Ethan, silantly asking if I can invite the  to sit with us. He nods, smiling.

"Do you guys want to join us? Unless you had other plans, which is fine. We alreadt ordered, but we can ask Noah when he comes back with drinks to bring out a cpuple more menus of you want to sit with us?" I say.

They agree. It's a 4 person square table against the wall, with 2 chairs on each side, so I switch seats, sitting beside Ethan to let them have the other side.

Noah comes back with our drinks just as they sit down.

He smiles brightly upon seeing them.

"Hey, Ira!" He greets her, putting a hand on her shoulder. She smiles up at him.

I smile. They're so cute togegher. They make a great couple. Ally smiles too. She ships it so hard.

As Noah starts to go back to the kitchen to give them the girls' order, the bell above the door chimes again. In walks Colby and one of his new roomates, Aaron.
Noah sees them and salks backtooir table.

"I'm assuming they're joining thr party?" He says with a smile.

I look at Ethan apologetically as the boys walk over to say hi. He looks confused.

Colby spoke first. "Hey Fabes. 'Sup Ira, Noah, guy next to Fable?" The last part was directed at Ethan. Aaron just waved.

I almost snorted root beer out my nose at the comment. He didn't stop, walking further to put a hand on Ally's shoulder and say hello to her.

I recoveref enough to speak. "Hi Colby. Hi Aaron." He smiled back.
"Colby, this is Ethan." I continue, putting a hand on his shoulder. "I told you about him. YouTube senpia, remember?"

Ethan laughs, shaking his head as he slung an arm around my shoulders.

Aaron looked lost, while Colby barked a laugh before speaking. "Oh, yeah. Sorry dude. Ethan. Senpai, man?" He said, shaking Ethan's hand.

Ethan laughed. "Dude, man, Ethan, it doesn't matter. Whatever. It's nice to meet you." He said.

"Aww, dude, you don't like senpai?" Colby jokes.

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