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10:03 a.m.

"Only five more hours to go!" Zack yelled so that we could all hear.

"Connecticut here we come!" Brendon squealed, sitting in the very comfortable corner of the couch.

"I'm getting kinda hungry. Is there anyway we could stop at a fast food restaurant soon?" Kenny asked.

"I mean, sure, but you would have to make it quick. We have to be there at 3:30 for sound check, and we are barely on time as is" Zack responded.

He nodded, and sat back down with the rest of us. Brendon in the very corner, me cuddling next to him, Dallon on the other side of the couch, Dan next to him, and followed by Kenny on the end. 

"Hey Bren?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Yeah?" He adverts his attention to me with a smile.

"What's your favorite part of preforming?"

He thought of that question for a moment, and then responded, "Well, I guess having the fans singing the song lyrics with me. It's just such an amazing feeling"

I smiled, "That is a really cool thing"

The bus pulled into a small Subway where not many people were.

"Alright, lets go" Zack said.

We all got up, and started to the bus door.

"Actually, I think i'll stay here" I said.

"Okay, well what do you want?" Brendon asked sweetly.

"Oh, nothing, i'm not hungry"

He gave me that 'please tell me your not doing this again' look, but I just ignored it.

"Um, okay, i'll be right back" He kissed my cheek, and left to meet with the others, who were already ordering inside.

I started feeling a little dizzy, so I sat down, and waited patiently for them to return. They all eventually returned with sub sandwiches in their hands. Once everyone got back on the bus, Zack started driving once again.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale.." Brendon asked, concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, just a little dizzy" I responded.

"I got you a sub anyway, maybe you want to eat. It might reduce the dizziness" He suggested. 

"No thanks, i'm just going to lay down for a bit" I smiled, got up, and hopped into the bunk, going on social media.

I could tell Brendon was worried about me. That I was doing that again. But i'm fine. Right?

As far as I know, Dallon, Dan, Zack, and Kenny don't know about my history with depression and ED's, therefore, they think nothing of me not eating. Thank god.

All of a sudden, my phone dinged.

Brendon: I love you <3

He's so sweet. I love him so much.

Me: I love you more :)

Brendon:  Mmmm, no, I love you more

Me: Guess we'll be arguing for awhile then xo

I smiled at his texts. I've actually found someone who actually loves me. 

I turned my phone off and rolled onto my side, facing the wall, and got under the many comfortable blankets. Slowly, I closed my eyes, deciding it would be a good idea to get some more sleep since I haven't slept well. Just as I was about to fall into a peaceful slumber, the curtain slowly slid open, and the other side of the bed sunk down, following the curtain being shut. He started slowly stroking my hair.

"I'm so glad I invited you to be with me on this tour" Brendon sighed happily.

"Me too" I mumbled under the very comfortable comforter.

He giggled. "I thought you were sleeping"

"So did I" I laughed.

"Oh.. I'm sorry I woke you" He said sheepishly.

"No, no it's completely fine! Don't worry about it" I said, and turned around, wrapping him in an unexpected hug. He smiled. 

"Are you tired?" I asked.

"A little bit"

I laid down, and he followed. He wrapped an arm around my waist protectively, and I snuggled into the crook of his neck.

"I love you" He whispered.

"I love you too" I murmured, falling into a deep sleep.

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