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Brendon's Point of View

"Milly!" I screamed, and rushed by her side, sitting down on the floor, and laying her head in my lap. 

"What happened!?" Dallon frantically rushed over, trying to help.

"This has happened before. Remember? Kenny, Dallon, remember? The day we were practicing, and the day you first met he-"

"Yes, B, I think we remember" Kenny stated, "But why now? Last time it was because of blood loss...?"

"I don't know..." I lied. She told me to never tell a soul about her issues, so I'm not about to spill all the tea, and lose her trust. 

"Is everything okay back there? Do we have to go to the hospital?" Zack asked, also concerned.

"No, this has happened before, she'll be fine" I think...

While I was sitting there; with Mill's head in my lap, and tears welling in my eyes, I couldn't stop myself from thinking. What did I do wrong? What happened? How did this happen? But then all of a sudden, it clicks.

"Did she eat the sub that I bought her?" 

"What does that have to do wi-"

"I ASKED, DID SHE EAT THE SUB THAT I BOUGHT HER?" I yelled, making everyone in the bus flinch, since I very rarely lose my cool, if at all.

Dan quickly ran to the small fridge that was in the kitchen, and opened it.

"No, it's still in here.."


"I still don't get how that's so important though..." Kenny trailed.

"Nothing. It's nothing" I state, becoming more upset that I haven't been paying attention to the last time she has actually eaten.

"I'm such a horrible boyfriend, I can't even pay attention. What the hell is wrong with me?" I mumbled, tears threatening to pour down my face.

"Nothing is wrong with you, B. Why are you saying those things? Do you know something we don't?" Dan questioned. Shit.

"I know a lot that you don't. But when it comes to this situation, your best guess is as good as mine" I snapped. 

Dallon got up, and walked to the couch, seemingly done with my shit.

"Why are you so defensive?" Dan asks.

"Maybe because my girlfriend is unconscious, and unresponsive, and I'm on the verge of a mental breakdown" I mumbled to myself. 

"Look, I get it, bu-" Dan started.

"-But I could stop being a little prissy ass emotional ass bitch? Yeah, gotcha"

"I wasn't going to put it that way, but if that's the way you want to put it, that's fine"

I stayed there, looking down at Milly's beautiful face, and I just couldn't hold it in anymore. Fastly, tears streamed down my face as soft pathetic sobs left my mouth. How could I be this unobservant? I had one job. I could've stopped this from happening again, yet I was 'too busy'. What kind of boyfriend does that? A horrible one, obviously. 


"Alright, lets go" Zack said.

We all got up, and started to the bus door.

"Actually, I think i'll stay here" She said.

"Okay, well what do you want?" I asked sweetly.

"Oh, nothing, i'm not hungry"

I gave her that 'please tell me your not doing this again' look, but she just ignored it.

*End of Flashback*

I should've pushed it. I should've fucking pushed it. This wouldn't have happened if I pushed it.

"B, I'm sure she'll be fine, you said it yourse-" Dallon started.

"No! It's not fine! This shouldn't have happened in the first place, I should have pushed it!" 

"Huh? You should have pushed what?"

"Nothing, it doesn't matter. Zack, can we stop somewhere so I can get some fresh air?" I asked, wanting to get away from this situation.

"Uh, yeah sure, there's one about two minutes away"

"Thank god" I whispered, and picked up Milly, and put her in our bunk.

I sat on the floor patiently, waiting for the bus to stop, so I can have some peace. I just needed to think about everything. After what felt like years, we finally made it to the small rest stop, and I practically ran out of the bus, and to a tree that was a little ways away from the building. I stood against it, and got lost in my mind.

What did I do wrong?

How can I fix this?

Can I even fix this?

Ahhhh short chapter I'm so sorryyyy. But double upload today :) Yw

Love y'all <3


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