I thought I knew who you were?

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Spencer's POV

I thought I knew who he was. I thought I could trust him. I thought he was my safe place to land. Turns out I was wrong.

I am sat outside Toby's loft balling my eyes out. He's not answering he's just ignoring me like I'm not even here. I feel sick physically sick, like I'm actually going to- Oh no. I rushed down the stairs and threw up into a dumpster behind the brew. Good that feels better, well not really my heart is still cracking a little bit more every second.

I decided to give up on trying to get him to talk he clearly doesn't care.
I wondered slowly back to my house tears still streaming down my face. Once I made it home I walked into my too neat and tidy for own good bedroom. I saw the chair, the cards,  the presents and the photos I had from or of Toby. Here it comes again, I  pushed open the door of my bathroom and flipped the toilet seat up.


Beep beep beep

I rolled over and switched my alarm off. It was time for school but what the hell did I care? I just found out my boyfriend is A, I'm not going anywhere. I'm spending the rest of my life In bed.

The world moved by me. Time didn't stop it just kept going. How can time just keep going when the worst thing has happened. I felt like my life was over and time didn't care about me or my feelings. I had turned my phone off after I was done throwing up last night and hadn't even bothered to check to see if the girls had texted me asking me if I was still alive? and why didn't I come to school today? I finally talked myself into checking my phone.

Just as I thought.

10 new messages from group chat

Aria: Spence are you okay?

Hanna: Spence why aren't you at school?

Emily: Spencer call us

Aria: Please Spence.

Hanna: Spencer answer us!!!

Emily: Spencer are you sick?

Aria: we are coming to your after school to see if your okay. Do you need anything?

Hanna: Spence please tell us that your okay.

Emily: I'll get what ever you want. We tried getting hold of Toby but no luck are you okay? Are you with Toby?

Aria: we're on our way now.

A tear rolled down my cheek when I read Toby's name. I still had everything of his around my room. Like a shrine for the best boyfriend ever but now it was like a pity party for myself. The girls said they were on  thier way 5 minuets ago so there'll  be here any minute. I scramble out of bed and start to take all my photos of Toby down and replace them with ones of the girls and my family. I can't get can't get rid of the chair yet I don't have time but I will get rid of as soon as I can. I don't want anything left of Toby in my room ever again.

Hanna's POV

When I got to school this morning I walked to my locker to meet the girls and Aria and Emily were already there.

"Hey" Emily and Aria beamed
"Hey where's Spencer?"
"We don't know but Aria texted her so she's probably on her way."
We waited for Spencer for about 10 minutes until we had to get to class. It's so unlike Spencer to be late or even sick. She never gets sick she takes so many vitamins so that doesn't happen. So where the hell is she?

At lunch we all text Spencer again. Still no answer.

"Maybe she's gone out with Toby it was thier anniversary yesterday" Aria said.
"it was mine and Caleb's the day before but you don't see me taking the day off."
"No somethings wrong I think we to go and find her after school"
"You don't think that A would-"
"No don't  even finish that sentence Aria."
"Emily's right."

Or maybe Aria is right what if A really has hurt spencer.

After school we made it to Spencer's house and the door was unlocked we walked in and up to Spencer's bedroom fearing the worst.

Spencer's POV

When the girls arrived I was sat on the chair Toby made me curled up in a ball and letting the tears drop from face onto my pyjamas.

"Spence oh my God are you okay?" I heard Aria say. They rushed over to me and gave me hugs. I start balling and I can't stop.

"Spence what's wrong?"
"Come on answer us?"
"Han easy"
"No Emily I won't. Spencer we're here for you just tell us"

I opened my mouth to speak.

"Toby is A." Oh God it's coming up again. I break out of the group hug and flee to the bathroom.

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