The A team has a new member

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Spencer's POV

How could she say that. She's on the A team she knows my secret and thanks to Mona and her army of losers the whole world I got knocked up by Toby.
People still treat Toby the way they used to treat him, to most people he is still a freak. I feel bad for thinking he was that person but from what he has done recently I'm finding it harder and harder to trust him.


Maybe this way I can get some answers. Toby joined the A team for a reason and if he really did love me I will finally know for myself. Mona said he will be my reward on Friday. She told me he was alive and I want to believe it I do I really do but if this is some twisted sick Mona prank she has another thing coming. The last thing I want is to show up to meet Mona and it's just a trap.

A few minutes later Jason arrived.

"Your mom called she is on her way home she will be here tomorrow morning." Jason said as he gave me a new glass of water to wash down my next lot of pills. Which I have been secretly stuffing in my pillow.

"I'm glad shes back."
"You sure?"
"Yeah I think I might tell her acctually. There will be a fight but your right I can't keep a child a secret."
"I can be there when you tell her."
I looked at Jason and gave him a crooked smile.
"Your welcome sis."
I giggled.
"What? Do I have something in my teeth."
"No you called me 'sis'."
"Oh yeah I guess I did" he chuckled.
We sat in comfortable silence for around 5 minuets.

"Jason why are you being so nice to me?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well we're not exactly that close well we are now but why now."
"Well I guess I wanted to make up for my relationship with Ali. I feel guilty for not being there for her. I see her everyday in my dreams across the street on the TV everywhere."
"She's gone but she's everywhere"
"Yeah, she is" Jason has tears in eyes. I walked over and knelt down next to him.
"Jason, Ali knows you loved her and you had no idea someone would do that to her." He pulls me up to my feet and I sit on the bed next to him.

"I'm sure your right"
I want to tell him my plan about A because I need someone to know just incase something does go wrong but if I do he might try and stop me. Screw it I'd rather be safe than sorry.

"Jason there's something I need to tell you but but you have to promise me not to stop me." He simply nods.

"Mona came to visit me and I've joined the A team" I said it pretty quickly so I'm not sure whether he heard me.

He stood up.

Jason's POV

"What the hell were you thinking!!"
She stood up to.

"I want to know the truth and this is the only way to do it. Mona said Toby's still alive and I need to know if he is!!"

"He is alive I've spoken to him on the phone. A is after him. Spencer this far to dangerous!!"

"Jason I might finally get to know who A is."

"Fine but if we do this. We need to properly. I'm going to talk to the girls and you stay here."

"I'm pretty sure Mona left some gifts around Radley."

I got up gave Spencer a hug good bye and made my way to Emily's house.

Spencer's POV

I headed straight back to my room after that. If Wren was telling the truth it might not be safe enough for me to go home. I waited for Jason to come back. He took around an hour and a half.

Jason's POV

I had text Emily and the other girls on my way over from Radley and when I pulled up outside Em's house they were all waiting on the front porch.

"Jason what's up?" Aria questioned when I had made it across the lawn.

"Can we talk somewhere A can't hear us" I wispered.

The girls then led me to an old shed behind Emily's house.

"Spencer's joined the A team."
"WHAT!?!?!?!" They all screamed
"Ssssshhhh do you want A to hear us?"
"No of course not but Spencer? No she would never do that!!" Hanna explained.
"Well Mona told her Toby was alive and if she joined the A team he would be her reward."
"Is he? Alive?" Emily looked at me with hope in eyes.
"I've spoken to him on the phone but A is on his trial and he is in danger so we need to move fast."
"I have a plan. Just leave it to us and we will let you know" Emily smiled.
"Thanks guys I'll see you later"

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