plan gone wrong

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Spencer's POV

This is it. We are all in our positions, me  and Toby were with Mona she was looking out the window. Me and Toby were sat on the sofa in the lodge and we are holding on to each other tight. I look up to the top floor quickly and Jason gives me a reassuring look.
Time to put our plan into action.

  Once I left Toby I quickly race back to the lodge and Jason and the girls help me climb through the upstairs window. 

"Is she still here?"
They all nod back at me.

"Jason, Toby's waiting for you."
"Okay I better go." He starts to walk off but he turns around before he reaches the window.
"Hey Spence"
"Be careful. I don't think I can loose another sister."
"Don't worry you won't"
Once Jason left Mona started heading for the exit. We all charged down from all angles trapping Mona in the middle.

"Going somewhere?" Aria snarled
"What are you guys doing? You don't understand. She can do anything. Your making a huge mistake."
"Funny we don't see it that way" Emily replied.
"This ends tonight Mona. So tell us who red coat is" she looks me straight in the eyes and I glare back at her.
"I thought Toby killed you"
"Like I always say Toby is as loyal as a Labrador." I laughed at Hanna. She has a point.
"You guys have the wrong idea. You are putting all of us in danger"
"Save it Mona. We are in charge now."
I felt so powerful. That was until Hanna let put a blood curdling scream. We all turned to face her.

And she pointed to the window. There red hit flames rising up the windows engulfing the lodge with us inside.
We all ran to the door but it was locked everything was locked.

Oh my God we're going to die.


"What did you just say?" Aria said reading all of our minds.

"Red coat. I don't know who she is either."

Hanna dropped to the ground and we all rushed over trying to wake her up.

It wasn't working. I could feel a pulse but it was slowing down.

It's getting really hot now. And we are all starting to fade.

Aria started crying.
"I love you guys"
"We love you to" Emily croaked.
"Your the best friends I've ever had."
We was hold hands in a circle, Em, Aria, Han and me were gripping on tight. Well more like we were griping on the Hanna.

Everything went black.

Toby's POV

I hide in the place where we had planned waiting for Jason. When he arrived we made it to the plane where Red coat was supposed to come out of.
Nothing. The plane was there but no one in it.

"We're to late"
Jason looked at me panicked.
"No it can't be. We've planned this to the second."

*phone beeps*

Caleb: Toby somethings wrong I can't get a signal on the girls.

I show Jason the text and we race back to the lodge to see it burning to the ground with the girls inside.


I rush over to the lodge trying to find a way in. Once Jason had got of the phone he came to help me but we were having no luck.



We turned around to walk around the lodge again when we saw Hanna, Aria and Emily lying on the ground.

Aria was staring to stir so we ran over and helped her up asking her if she was okay and what happened.
She told us that someone had set the place on fire and that Hanna was the first to black out.

"Where's Spencer and Mona?"
Aria told us that they were still inside.

Just then Caleb came running through the trees and straight over to Hanna.

"I don't know but Spencer and Mona are still inside." I call over.
Jason grabs his phone out his pocket one last time and calls for an ambulance.

The bushes start rumbling and we hear fire engine sirens go off. There here Oh thank God.

Spencer's POV

Me and Mona were clinging onto each other, whilst looking for a way out.

This is it were going to die. I'll never see Toby again. I'll never get to meet my baby. See the girls or my family.

The door handle starts moving and Mona shouts out for help.

I'm growing weaker and weaker. Me and the girls had all passed out but when me and Mona woke again they were gone.

The door opens to reveal a blonde in a red coat.

"Alison?" Me and Mona say in unison.

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