I just want my brother

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Jason's POV

She said she was just meant to be getting coffee. But that was last night it's currently


I  decided to go and look for her myself. I drove around town for two hours and eventually decided to ask her friends so I drove to Rosewood high school. I got out and went to talk the headteacher he led me out into the courtyard to where the girls were sat.

"Jason?" Emily spotted me.
I walked over and sat down with Mr Hackett behind me.

"Have you seen Spencer?"
"Not since last night why?" Aria asked.
"It's along story I don't know where to start." Hanna looked at me.
"How about the beginning."
"Last night I was sat on the porch when I saw Spencer throwing a chair in the garbage. She looked upset so I went over and asked her if she was okay she told me she wanted to be left alone but she changed her mind and came inside. She told me about how Toby is A." The girls all looked at each other slightly worried.
"She said she wanted to go home but I told her that I didn't want her to be alone so she invited me to stay but then she realized something pretty shocking." I hesitated.
"Jason what is it?"
"Spencer's pregnant"
"Well I certainly didn't expect that from a Hastings!" Crap I forgot Hackett was behind me.
"I know this is a lot to ask but can we keep this between us for now please?"
"Sure. You can call the police from my office hopefully they will be able to find Spencer."
"Yes please"
I got up and went to leave but my phone started ringing.

Emily's POV

I couldn't believe it Spencer's pregnant. No offense to Hanna but I thought she would be the first to have children.
Jason answered his phone.
"Yes thank you for telling me. I'll be there in 20 minutes." He hung up.
"Jason what is it?" Hanna asked.
"That was Radley. They found Spencer. I have to go." He went to leave. We all started to grab our stuff
" Jason wait we're coming with you." Principal Hackett had already left.
" no I'm sorry you can't their doing an evaluation and it's only family. Besides they said she only wants to talk to me." We sat back down.
" promise us you'll tell us what happens" Aria asked. He simply nodded and left.

Spencer's POV

"Ma'am we need you to tell us your name." The nurse had been asking me questions for ages.
"Please I just want my brother."
"If we get your brother will you tell us who you are?" I nodded as tears filled my eyes.
"What's your brothers name?"
"Jason Dilaurentis please hurry." The nurse left me alone in my room. My heart had just broken into a million pieces. Toby is dead. The love of my life is dead. My baby's father is dead.

*20 minutes later*

Jason flew into my room I ran over to him and he held me.

"It's okay I've got you everything is going to be okay I promise. Spencer what the hell happened." I cried into his shoulder and mumbled

"I found Toby's body in the woods Mona killed him."


Jason walked me over to the bed and sat me down.

"I followed Mona into the woods and she lead me straight to him. That's why he didn't show up to mine." I got up and turned back again to face him, I'm shaking.

"Spence, are you sure it was him?"

"YES OF COURSE, please tell me you believe me."

"yes of course I believe you I just don't want to. do you want me to go?" I walked over and sat in a chair by the window.

"no I don't want to be alone."

"look Spence I'm here for you. what ever happens" we sat in comfortable silence until I broke the silence.

"I've made my decision. about the baby."

"and what does that mean?"

"I'm keeping it. It's the only thing I have left of Toby." A tear rolled down my cheek.

"well that baby's going to have the best uncle in the world just you wait."

"hold on to that thought." he looked at me confused.


"I can't tell my parents or Melissa." Jason looked lost.

"what do you expect me to do?"

"I'm going to stay at mine until I start showing and then I will come up with an excuse to come and then I will come and stay with you until the baby is born."

"and how do you expect to explain a baby when you go back home?"

"I haven't thought that far ahead I just know that I can't do this alone."

"like I said I'm here for you"

*beep beep*

Jason pulled out his phone.

"oh no"

"Jason what is it?" Jason showed me the phone

awww the brother and sister bond. do you really think you can keep a secret like that while I'm still around? and i thought you were the smart one.


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