I think my sister would want me here

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Hanna's POV

After Spencer had finished throwing up we all went down stairs to talk.

"I'm still don't feel to good" I handed Spencer a glass of water.
"When did you find out?"
"Last night"
"And your being sick" Emily looked concerned.
"Yeah. Look guys I'm fine I just want to be alone."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah Aria I'm sure"

We collected our stuff and left. Something about Spencer being sick felt off. I just couldn't put my finger on it.

Spencer's POV

Once the girls left I fell asleep on the sofa. My parents and Melissa are in philly so I don't have to face anyone for a week. I don't think its enough time to get over Toby but it gives me a chance to sort some things out. When I woke up I decided to get rid of the chair. I walked up stairs to my room and sat down for a minute I felt woozy.

Stop at 0:58 and skip to 1:17

I had to get rid of the chair so I picked it up and carried it down stairs, took it out side and chucked it with the rest of the garbage. I looked over at the Dilaurentis house and saw Jason siting on the steps. I quickly turned around to go back inside so he didn't see me.


Crap he saw me.

Jason's POV

I had just come outside to sit on the porch like I always do in the evenings when I saw Spencer come outside with a chair. She angrily chucked it with the rest of her garbage. Something was definitely wrong. Her hair was frazzled and frizzy and she was shaking. She quickly turned to go back inside, I know her parents and Melissa are in philly as I watched them leave and I didn't feel comfortable leaving Spencer upset and alone.

"Spencer?" She froze and then turned to face me. I walked over and we met half way between each house.

"Is everything okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine Jason I just want to be left alone" she was holding back her tears. I know what it feels like to want to crawl into a hole and never come back out.

"Are you sure?"

Spencer's POV

I told Jason I want to be left alone but I don't I need someone to hold me and tell me they will protect me and that no one can hurt me. he asked me if I was sure.

"no, i really need to talk"            

"why don't you come inside"

"sure" we walked inside and sat down in the living room.

"so whats up? you seemed angry when you threw that chair. come on tell me what did the chair do? did move when you sat down so you ended up on your ass?" i laughed. i'd never seen the funny side to Jason.

"see it cant be that bad i got you to smile."

"okay i'm going to tell you something and i need you to just listen but once i've told you, you have to promise that you won't tell anyone else."

"i promise" he held out his pinkie finger.

"pinkie promise" i reached out and and shook his pinkie with mine.

"when Mona was taken to Radley someone took over for her, they started the game up again. the other day A attacked Hanna but when they left they dropped A key. I kept hold of the key and last night A broke into my house but what A didn't know was i found his Radley pass and when they turned around it was" i started to break down in tears.


 "Toby" i felt a tear hit my right hand.

"Spencer I'm so sorry"

I nervous chuckled.

"no don't be sorry. I'm gonna go home." i got up and went to walk to the door.

"i don't know how I feel about  you being alone."

"um i really want to sleep in my own bed but you can always stay at mine and don't worry I'm home alone so dad won't kick you out"

"sure I'll grab some stuff and meet you over at your house in ten minutes."

I nodded and headed to my house. I was just finishing up in the bathroom when  Jason arrived.

"Spencer?" he called up the stairs.

"In my room" he came up the stairs and stood in the doorway of my ensuite bathroom. I was looking through my cupboards and drawers when I came across a pack of tampons. shit.

"what's wrong?" I sat on the toilet seat as a tear rolled down my cheeks.

"Spence what's wrong." I was desperately trying to get the words out.

"I'm late" I looked up at Jason he had a confused look.

"I feel really bad for asking this but when was the last time you and Toby um you know 'did it'?" he gagged a little. He was right that was a awkward question he is my brother after all.

"Just before the Halloween train. can you go to a 24 hour store and get me some tests, I'll give you the money."

"you can't be serious do you know how weird that will make me look." 

"Just lie and say their for your girlfriend"

"and that's just disgusting."

I stood up.

"please Jason. I just found out that my boyfriend is A and now I might be pregnant with his baby please I'm begging you." He sighed


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