"did you miss me?"

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Spencer's POV

"Alison?" Me and Mona say in unison.

She runs over and helps me and Mona to our feet.

"Mona help me get Spencer out."

Fire engine sirens ring through our ears.

Mona and Alison help me out. Burning wood shards falling every few seconds.

"Ali, how are you here?" I struggled to breathe but I manage those few words.

"It's a long story just focus on your breathing."

Alison's POV

The door to the lodge burst open and we all fall to the ground. When we look up, Emily, Aria , Toby and Caleb gripping on to an unconscious Hanna are looking at us surprised.
I look to left of me and there stands a man in his early 20s that is none other than my older brother Jason. I look him with tears in my eyes.


We run over to each other in slow motion just like in the movies.
Tears running down our faces and we hug. Tightly not wanting to ever let go.

"You're alive"
"I'm sorry Jason it just wasn't safe"
"I'm don't care your safe now."

Jason's POV

She's alive
My little sister is alive
Alison Lauren Dilaurentis is alive.

The firemen rush over and start putting the fire out. Paramedics rushing over to both Hanna and Spencer.

I run over to one of the paramedics with Alison.

"Excuse me?"
A red haired girl turns to face me and Ali. She has black rimmed glasses and looks like a cross of Velama and Dafney from Scooby doo.

"Can I help you?"
"Yes this my sister she was in the building but she's been missing for 2 years."
"Your Alison Dilaurentis aren't you?"
"Yes that's me" she talks into walkie talkie and asks Alison to come and sit in the ambulance. She told us that the police will have questions and Alison agreed to tell them everything.

Toby's POV

I'm currently sat in an ambulance with Spencer on the way to the hospital. She hasn't said much since Ali saved her and Mona but all I know is Ali is alive and she just saved my girlfriend and my unborn child.

"Spencer" she turned to face me, she's sat up in a wheelie bed.

"She's alive"
"I know it's hard to believe."
"Yeah I mean where has she been all this time."
"I-I really don't know Toby but all I care about right now is finding if our baby is okay"
"Yeah of course."
I reach out and grab her hand.

When we arrive at the hospital Spencer is rushed down to the maternal until to make sure our baby is okay.


The little baby pops up on the screen and Spencer starts crying. She sets me off and we just sit there is awe of the tiny little baby on the screen.

"Is the baby okay?" I say through the tears. The doctor looks worried.

"I can't find a heart beat."
"What?" Spencer starts crying for a whole other reason.

"I'm just going to get another doctor, try not to panic"

She leaves the room and I hug Spencer as she soaks my shirt.
When the doctor comes back she's with another male.

He moves the wand around Spencer's stomach again.

My heart is pounding. I was shocked when Spencer told me she was Pregnant and sure I thought we've made a mistake but in that moment I've never wanted anything more.

Spencer was getting more and more worked up and I couldn't bare to see her like this.

I crossed my fingers and just thought about as many happy thoughts as I could to try and change the fate that may fall in mine and Spencer's unborn babies path.

I thought I had lost Spencer and the baby only an hour ago but I have her.
Loosing a baby would make both me and Spencer hit rock bottom. She had already been through so much. Jason had told me every little detail about Spencer being in Radley and when she thought she saw my body in the woods.

I had to be strong but how could I be strong enough for both of us to get through this.

Spencer's parents are probably really angry at me for getting her pregnant but I would be far angrier at myself if I didn't protect her enough to raise a healthy baby together.

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