A baby's beating heart

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Spencer's POV

I can feel a lump in my throat. If my baby dies I will have failed as a mother before I even got the chance.

*heart Beating noise*

I let out a big sigh of relief.

"Panic over. The baby was just in an awkward position"
The male Doctor reassured me and Toby.
"How many photos would you like?"
"As many as we're aloud please."
I say.
"We have a big family."
"Sure" the doctor leaves to get the photos and me and Toby point out the little features to each other.

*phone rings*

"It's Caleb" I sit up.
"Answer it might be about Hanna."

Toby's face goes pale.

"What Toby?"

Toby's POV

"It's Caleb" Spencer sits up.
"Answer it might be about Hanna."
"Toby!! It's Hanna she's in a coma she might not wake up I don't know what do"
My face goes pale.

"What Toby?"
"Caleb don't panic we'll be there as soon as we can" I hang up the phone and tell Spencer the news she got herself upset again. When the doctor came back with the photos we explained the situation and left to go and find Caleb.

When we arrive Caleb is sat with Hanna's mom Ashley.

"Caleb" I shout over he looks up and me and Spencer go over.
I give Caleb a hug whilst Spencer gives Mrs Marin a hug.

"What happened?" Spencer asks.
Mrs Marin replied.
" She's not waking up but they said if she's strong she can wake up." She started crying like she did Hanna got hit by the car.

Caleb finished for her.

"She'll wake up in the next couple of days but if not they will have to take her off the machine that is keeping her alive." Now it was Caleb's turn to cry.

We stayed at the hospital until spencer got to tired and we went back to the loft to crash.
Spencer talked to her mom and she said it was okay for her to stay with me while Hanna is in hospital.

When we woke up the next morning I made Spencer breakfast in my bed and then we left for the hospital again but there was no change.

Caleb's POV

Hanna hasn't woken up yet and their taking her of the machine on Friday.

I don't know what I'll do if she doesn't wake up. Her mom has been a mess. I've been staying with her all the time. She doesn't go home much but I don't want her being alone at a time like this. Hanna is all she has left, she has Hanna's grandma but she's in Oklahoma and she's not Ashley's mom.

Everyone has been with us, the girls including Ali turns out Mona had driven her out of town when she was A and when the new A took over she was too scared to come home. To honest I don't blame her.

Spencer's POV

Me and Toby were just leaving the hospital on this cold Wednesday night and when we reached home the Brew was already closed. The door was open but no one was in sight.

"Shall we go in?" I asked Toby as we reached the slightly open door.
"Get behind me" I stood behind Toby and he grabbed a plank of wood from the side of the road before entering the brew. Someone in a black hoodie walked into the centre of the coffee house.

"Who are you?" I said speaking my thoughts.

The hooded figure pulled of his mask.

We were shocked by what we saw. This was the person who had almost framed Emily for digging up Alison's fake grave. This was the person who had tried to kill me and my friends.
This was the person who had almost killed my child.

And now they were standing in the middle of the brew unarmed. I was protected by Toby and he was holding his own weapon we had picked up from the side of the road on our way in.

I've never felt so and angry and enraged by anyone. Hanna was lying in hospital fighting for her life because of what this person did to us.

"Bet you never thought it would be me"

Was all Toby said before he knocked them out and I called the police.
We trapped A this is finally over.

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