Chapter One

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Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.

~Carol Burnette


Ok Lily. This is it. He's gone and you only have an hour until he gets back.

I keep repeating this so I don't get sidetracked. I cannot have any distractions right now.

I throw the bag out my window and wince when it hits the ground.

Whatever you do... Don't die!

Thanks for that. I feel SO much better! I rolled my eyes.

I walked up to my mirror one last time before I left. I am dressed head to toe in black. Black hoodie, ripped black skinnies, and black Nike's. I tucked my hair into my hoodie and threw on the hood.

I grabbed my phone before I dangled my legs off the edge of my window. Holy skittles this is high! I am feeling a bit of vertigo.

Deep breaths, Lily. Blue skies in. Grey skies out.

Thanks. That helped.


Then slowly I turned my body around so I could grab the ledge and lower down.

Interesting fact. I'm scared of heights and am jumping from the second story of my house... Fun times!

When I'm as far as my arms can go I let go and hit the ground... With my ass. Ignoring the pain my ass was in, I quickly get up and grab my bag before sprinting down the dark road.

You are probably wondering what is going on. Well let me introduce myself. My name is Lily Smith.

I am sixteen years old and will be seventeen in a couple months. I am excited for that day because I am one year closer to being a legal adult.

And... Cue happy dance!

Now you are probably also wondering why the heck I jumped out my window and who I was referring to earlier.

I am running away from home. My father is abusive and I couldn't do it anymore. I had enough and decided it was time to leave.

My fathers switch flipped when my mom died. He became an alcoholic not long after she died. At first he was just verbal. Telling me I was the reason she was gone. She was healthy before me and I somehow killed her.

What really happened was cancer. She was to good for this cruel world. I guess the big man up there decided she didn't belong down here. Her name was, Karmen. She had caramel colored eyes and dirty blonde hair. She really should have been a model.

One night my father came home drunk and just suddenly hit me. I guess he liked the feeling because it never stopped and only got worse with time.

My bruises were so bad that he pulled me out of school because he got a phone call one day asking what had happened. I was to scared to talk so they believed his lie that I had fallen off the swing at the park.

He turned into the devil. It started when I was seven years old. I have been secretly doing homeschool thanks to my best friends parents. They don't know the details of what I've been through, but helped me as much as they could. I love them like they are my own family.

Once I feel I'm far enough from the dreadful place I once called home I grab my phone and call, Nick.

Nick has been my best friend for years and has helped through everything. So of course he said he'd help me get out of this hell.

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