Chapter 12: Lily Junior

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IM BACK BITCHES! Lol no quote for this one either because I'm lazy and don't feel like finding one. I'm sorry! I'll make up for all the ones missing later💙


When Nick whispered those words I started to cry. I don't even really know what happened. I remember my flashbacks of random memories, but that's it.

"Don't cry. Please don't cry, Lils." Nick said softly. Pulling back he wiped away my tears gently with the pad of his thumb. He gave me a sad smile.

"What even happened?" I asked, needing answers.

Nick sighed. "I need to call the doctor in and let everyone know you are ok." He pushed the call button on my bed and pulled out his phone. He kissed my forehead and walked out of my room.

I laid back and closed my eyes. I am exhausted and a little hungry. What could have caused me coming here? All I remember is having a headache and going to sleep in Grace's room. I wonder what she's up to.

I like her. She's like a fireball of energy and has a different personality.

I agree. I hope she will come down and see me if I have to stay the night.

I bet she will. She likes you too.

Mhmm. And how do you know this for sure?

Seriously? You are so blind you can't see that the girl likes you?!

"Hey. No need to be so sour, my lemon." I said, crossing my arms.

Bitch! She was totally girl crushing. How did you not notice this?!

"You know how bad I am at reading that kind of stuff! It's not my fault I was not blessed with a flirtation gift." I rolled my eyes and sighed.

Someone cleared their throat and I looked up to see the doctor. I smiled and blushed because I think I started talking out loud.

Dammit, Claire! They are going to think I am mentally unstable when really I just have you as my conscious. Thanks you sour nugget.

Oh shut up and pay attention you rotten skittle.


I was cut of from my internal rage when the doctor started to talk.

"You had some internal bleeding. It wasn't to horrible but had gone unnoticed long enough that you got sick. That is why you passed out and threw up." He said, not even glancing at my chart.

I'm kinda thinking I missed part of what he said too. Jeez thanks again, Claire.

Yeah that's right. I watch Grey's Anatomy and The Good Doctor.

"Whoa whoa whoa. I threw up? I had internal bleeding?! What the brownie cakes are you taking about, sir?" I asked, well more like demanded.

You can't just walk into someone's room and say those things like it's the most normal thing in the world, and then expect nothing to happen. Especially not when it's me!

The doctor dude... Oh my gosh. I'm gonna call him DD. HAHAHAHA

Uh anywho. DD looked at me with a raised eyebrow and I could tell he was trying hard not to laugh.

"Yes, Lily. You had all those things happen. You must have been to out of it to remember anything. You've been in a coma for five days now. Everything is fine. Your body just needed time to heal and rest." He told me, sitting on the foot of my bed and turning to face me.

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