Chapter 16: Advice

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The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.


The drive to Malibu was long and silent. So silent, I ended up falling asleep with my head against the window.

Nick, was so upset that instead of carrying me in like usual, he woke me up and waited for me at the front door.

I was slow getting there because I was tired and my stomach hurt. I'm sure it's noting though. I'm fine.

My heart, however, hurts. It feels like someone took a knife and stabbed my heart. But they didn't stop there. They are slowly twisting it, making the pain almost unbearable.

When I got to the front door, Nick said Grace was in the kitchen and then left me there. I don't know what I did that was so wrong, and I don't know how long I can go with him treating me like this.

Walking through the long, open house, I noticed Shane and Matt in one of the living rooms.

They noticed me and smiled. I'm not feeling happy so I did my best to smile politely before continuing my walk to, Grace.

I got there and she had about 6 marshmallows shoved in her mouth.  She looked red and at first I thought she was choking before some guy told me she was laughing.

He started laughing and I couldn't help but join. The guy held out his hand, trying to stop his laughter. "I'm, Daniel. Nice to meet you."

I laughed and shook his hand. "Lily. Nice to meet you too." Turning away from him Grace started to actually choke and I started to panic.

Running to her side I started hitting her back trying to dislodge a few of those marshmallows she just inhaled. Hitting her wasn't working and she wouldn't stop laughing so I didn't know what to do.

Daniel, came and wrapped his arms around her upper ribs. He did the Heimlich maneuver and four whole freaking marshmallows were suddenly on the floor.

"Dear lord. How, in the world of rainbows, did you swallow all those?!" I asked stepping back with my hands up.

Grace looked up at me and hugged me before laughing. "Damn Daniel. Didn't know you had it in you." She winked at him at the end, and I burst out laughing yet again.

This is one reason why I already love, Grace. She can make you laugh even when your day has been worse than buying a candy apple at the fair, biting into it, and it's rotten.

Let me tell you somethin. THAT IS A HORRIBLE FEELING! And also very similar to the way my day is...

"So what brings you back so soon, Lily Willy?" Grace asked, a huge smile on her face.

I smiled back and stole a marshmallow causing her to pout. This made me smile even more before swallowing. "I have to be here for a couple days with doctor Evan."

Grace, snapped her fingers as if remembering. "Oh yeah! I just saw you a few hours ago and you seemed fine to me. What happened, babe?"

Why does she have to be so fucking nice and happy?

She's probably happy because someone didn't reject her like she was disgusting.

Whoa. Ok so I'm sensing some anger... and I think I should shut up for a bit.

Good idea. If you could see me I would be glaring at you.

"Oh yeah I'm good. Speaking of staying I should probably go see, Evan." I started backing away before Grace caught my wrist.

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