prologue: intermission.

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Very short prologue for ya xx

"I can't believe we are doing this." Clio groaned, reluctantly dragging her feet across the ground.
You turned, face ruddy from the bitter evening air.
"Do you want to lose your job or not?" Smiling, you stopped to reassure your friend.
Tonight was the big night.

Stretching, the (h/c) girl walked out of the plane, and through the departure lounge, Clio in tow. A young Korean woman with her hair slicked back into a neat bun, clothed in a baby blue air hostess top and a beige pencil skirt that hugged her figure smiled at you and your companion, thanking you for flying with their company. You were too tired to do the normal 'no, thank you!' so, you just smiled weakly at her and continued to walk. 13 hours on a plane was enough to mentally slaughter both of the girls - even with their little stop in Amsterdam. They were currently taking part in a project that their boss put them up to. They worked for Lure-3, a prestigious hacking association that tied in nicely with the police. Of course, Lure-3 had its scandals and its outrageous discoveries that were a little bit more than legal, but Lure-3 (L3 for short) believed that they didn't want to be one of those dull hacker businesses - if they were, where would be the fun in that?

Clio, her coiled black hair tied back for convenience, jumped into your view. With drained eyes, you looked down at the eccentric girl. Once she knew she'd gotten your attention, she pulled out two pairs of sunglasses- one for her, one for you. You guys were pretty well known, and to be spotted as soon as you landed in Seoul would be a catastrophe. The mission you was on was actually unnamed, but you knew what the target was; take down BTS. BTS where a Korean gang that you knew next to little about - and it would stay that way until you met your Seoul correspondent, Jackson Wang. BTS had their own hacker, who you had accidentally made contact with in the past...

"Fuck off, Max." You sighed, eyes fixed on your thousand dollar screen.

"Why, what are you trying to do? normally you'd be like 'Oh Max, how lovely to see you! please let me ride your mega dong.'" He squeaked, trying to impersonate you.

"I am not! And I'm trying to get into this gangs system but... it's so cryptic, and its full of trash." You rubbed your face, the system was literally full of garbage, dead ends and random emoticons peppered between lines of codes. You looked back up at the computer, Max leaning in to have a look too. You typed something quickly, which took no longer than 2 seconds to go through. Suddenly, a large red "ACCESS DENIED" Sign flashed, before the whole screen went black, a high-frequency whail emitting from the speakers. Both you and Max jumped with fear, but quickly regained your posture and began typing recovery codes. To say your blood wasn't tingling with fear, or that your heart wasn't almost beating out of your chest would be a lie- hacking was about luck, not skill. You were afraid your computed had caught a virus as it wasn't turning back on, But the sound stopped, and a box appeared in the centre of the screen.

public class ClipMe extends Frame implements ActionListener { private TextField tf; private TextArea ta; public static void main(String[] args) { new ClipMe().show(); } public ClipMe() { super("Clipping Example"); add(tf = new TextField("Welcome"), "North"); add(ta = new TextArea(), "Center"); MenuBar mb = new MenuBar(); mb.add(makeEditMenu()); setMenuBar(mb); setSize(250, 250);


JHOPE: Hello :-)
JHOPE: How are you?
JHOPE: I know you're there, mfeux.
JHOPE: I like your code name, mfeux. French. Its nice.

(Y/n) felt as though her veins had frozen up on the spot. Max blinked and backed away slowly.

"We gotta go," Max whispered, grabbing the hood of (y/n)'s hoodie, trying to pull her away. This person, 'Jhope', could see her through her cam. Silly hacking mistake on her part.

After analysing the situation, (Y/n) got up and ran as fast her legs could take her, Max following her.

JHOPE: See you soon, (y/n) :-).


else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("clear")) { tf.setText(""); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("paste")) { Transferable clipData = clipboard.getContents(this); String s; try { s = (String) (clipData.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)); } catch (Exception ex) { s = ex.toString(); } ta.setText(s); } else if (cmd.equalsIgnoreCase("cut")) { StringSelection data = new StringSelection(tf.getText()); clipboard.setContents(data, data); tf.setText(""); }

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