Chapter 5.5

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얄미워 - a really strong word for hate.


"I pick Jimin." you looked up at the blonde boy, who smiled at you as he got up.

RM nodded, and took Jimins previous seat as the young man dragged you to his room that was down a very long hall with 7 doors, each name tag a different colour; Jimins was a lemon yellow and displayed his full name.

"Park Jimin."

You remembered the name for future reference, maybe you could find a phone and send Max a text with his name? that would be more than enough information to get all of the boys arrested. As nice as they seemed, they were criminals and you had a job to do. Jimin pried the door open, your lungs being immediately filled with the smell of lemon and lavender. His room was sweet, but also very masculine. On the floor, there was a white rug, similar to the one in the living room. Clothes, packets of crisps/chips, magazines and little gadgets all joined the white rug on the floor, adding a pop of colour to the otherwise bland grey carpet. The walls were a dusty pink colour, with a few shelves about them, filled with weight loss pills and combat strategy books as well as some gathering dust. The bed was a mess, but it looked comfortable all the same; the pillows where crisp white, while the blanket was a printed monochrome marbel pattern that fitted the aesthetic of his room perfectly. Jimin ushered you inside before closing and locking the door. He ran over to his small wardrobe and pulled out an old BT21 top with chimmy on it. You involuntarily smiled as he chucked it at you. You watched BT21 as a kid, and you loved chimmy a lot. Jimin noticed your smile and dug back into his wardrobe to fish out a pair of chimmy boxers, and hurled them at you. You gasped, and he began to laugh. Jimins laugh was contagious, and you both ended up on the floor, tears rolling down your rosy cheeks. This boy was a total softie, and you adored his little face.

"Chimmy was my favourite," He said finally, a final giggle escaping his chapped lips.

"Me too," You joked, holding up the t-shirt. "This is so worn out, how long have you had it?"

He rubbed the back of his neck before licking his lips. "4 years, I used to wear it all the time." He admitted, shuffling slightly.

"You dork," You hit his arm sheepishly. He groaned out of embarrassment.

"Don't tell the guys." He pleaded, somewhat smiling.

"Your secret is safe with me, Jimin." You tapped his nose and stood up with the clothing and his behind one of the walls to get changed.

Jimin, taking it as an appropriate time, got into his PJs (his boxers, the little perv.) and climbed into bed, making sure there was enough room for you. When you reappeared, You were dressed in the Chimmy top and boxers. the top just about covered your torso and showed the very bottom of the boxers. You weren't self-conscious, you actually felt cute. Jimins eyes somewhat widened when he saw you in his clothes.

"Chimmy suits you." He smiled, patting the bed. You awkwardly smiled back, laying down stiffly.

"I-im sorry if I'm a little uh... rigid... I'm just not used to sharing beds with people I don't really know." You chuckled softly, laying on your side facing Jimin. He sighed and turned off the light before crawling back into bed, the coldness consuming you. He cocooned you with him in the blanket, wrapping his arm around your waist.

"Its ok" He rested his chin upon your head before settling down to sleep, a soft grin on your face.


"I pick V," You said quietly. Taehyung shot up, patting your shoulder and running down the hall.

"Tag!" He bellowed, giggling like a child. You looked at RM for a bit of advice, but he'd already begun to make his way into the living room. You sighed, reluctantly chasing the grey-haired man. You could hear him singing some sort of Korean chant song as he ran, and you found it quite adorable. Once you'd reached his room, the door was open and displayed was could only be described as a bombsite. His walls were covered with spray paintings and posters from bands and quotes alike. The carpet was barely visible, piles and piles of towels and clothes pooled at the base of his brightly coloured bed, where he was sitting.

"You're too slow," He commented, flopping down onto his bed with a sigh.

"Sorry." You replied sarcastically, standing in the doorway. He looked over at you and opened his arms, implying he wanted a hug. You stiffly walked over, placing yourself in his arms.

"Ah, you're warm~" He cooed, snuggling into you further, practically purring. You laughed, rubbing his back. When you realised you were tired and needed to get changed you tried to pry V off you, but it seemed he'd fallen asleep. You wriggled awkwardly, getting comfortable in his vice tight hug, deciding that falling asleep was probably the best thing to do- plus, he was cuddly and warm. You smiled into his embrace, his steady breathing calming you, the stress of the day washing away as you melted into a blissful sleep.

Was V your new cuddle partner?


"I pick Jhope," You mumbled, looking for the energetic man. He got up slowly, raking his hand through his hair. His face stayed cold until he was face to face with you, and that's when he smiled. You felt the hair on your neck stand up with fear. He literally scared the shit out of you, god knows why you wanted to share a bed with him.

You began to walk to his room, which had a blue name tag.

"Jung Hoseok"

He unlocked the room before letting himself in, peeling off his suit jacket and hanging it on the back his door. You also stepped inside, soaking up his room. It was very geometric- almost everything was white, red, or grey, and square. It was actually strangely comforting as it was so clean and precise, and it brought you comfort. The frame of his bed was a smooth grey metal that held up a perfectly rectangular mattress with smooth black covers. on the bedside table lay a gun with Korean writing on it that read "얄미워". You shivered, knowing that gun had probably killed at least 5 people. Jhope watched you analyse his room quietly. He could see straight through you, but he still thought you were strangely enticing. You were a curious woman with the soul of a fighter and the voice of a mute. He let a soft 'tch' roll off his tongue before opening one of his draws, pulling out a woman's nightgown; his sisters. He smiled at it sadly, it still smelt like her. Sighing, he passed the dress to you before closing his eyes.

You looked at it questionably. Why did he have a woman's night dress? You snorted before slipping on the (colour) fabric, letting it fall to your mid-thigh. You cleaned your throat, letting Jhope know you were done. He smiled at you before tilting his head at the outfit- you really reminded him of his sister in that nightdress, he missed her so much. Not allowing himself to get upset, he went to get dressed in his baggy PJs, before climbing under the covers, leaving room for you. You joined him, facing away from him. He blew out the candle next to the bed before leaning into you.

"There's no need to be so cold toward me, I saved your life. Maybe you'll be more comfortable tomorrow once training starts. Goodnight, (pet name)."

Your eyes were wide open, the sensation of him behind you frightened you to no end. You felt yourself shudder as he giggled, getting comfy in his bed. Were you excited or petrified? 

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