Chapter 2

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The formatting on here is a little weird. Its because I originally wrote this on Archive Of Our Own, and so it looks kinda strange. If you'd prefer to read it on A03, here's the link:

"Clio, look what Max said." You sighed, passing your phone to her. She read the message, before slamming it down on the bed with an angry growl.

"Hijo de tu puta madre!" Clio cried, eyebrows knitted closely together. "I wanted some fuckin' time to relax, pinche puto."

You hit her playfully, taking back your phone and unlocking it to reply.

"Clio, it's not Max's fault. Plus, the quicker this is over with, the better right? I promise you, after those guys are locked up we will take some time off and we'll actually come here for a little getaway. Sound nice?" you rubbed your friends back reassuringly as she nodded weakly. You laughed, scruffing up her mob of hair before getting off the bed and stretching, before typing up a reply to Max's message.

"Now, how about we go incognito and get some kimchi? The kimchi from home tastes like ass, I wanna eat the proper stuff."

Max Dillion.

11:28 AM:

Boss told me to tell you that BTS is going to some club today, and that shitty Jackson guy told us he had an emergency to handle or something. Read that stuff he sent you and go see the gang tonight, it will probably be your best chance to infiltrate them. Be careful, shit head. xx

1 ATTACHMENT: LOCATION: 645 Nonhyeon-ro, Nonhyeon 1(il)-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, South Korea: OCTAGON.


11:42 AM:

Clio is mad at you for taking away her chances of finding a beautiful Korean boyfriend. Thanks for the info though, you're actually useful when you aren't a dick. Do you know the times?

Max Dillion.

11:42 AM:

Nah, but ladies get in free before 10 PM - and its dress to impress. Also, be careful, that place is FULL of criminals who will probably recognise you. Have you got any wigs or anything? Also, tell my little Clio I'm sorry. Try set her up with Jackson? Lmao.



She hates Jackson, too. And of course I have a few wigs, what kind of undercover spy would I be without my handy dandy wigs?

Max Dillion.

11:43 AM:

undercover spy AND profession hacker? just come and marry me.



Well, I steal identities and make masks out of their faces, but yeah. Anyway, talk later, ill let you know how things go. xx

Sunglasses on (again) the girls stepped out onto the forever buzzing streets of Seoul. Luckily, the food place they'd spotted when they arrived was about a 20-second walk away, so there was no need to be so cautious about their identity. Now moving with the sea of people, the girls became at once in tune with how uncomfortable they felt. As pretty as the city was from above, the monochrome collage of businessmen in front of them was all too familiar. The closest thing to describing it was 'New York on a busy Monday morning', except you double the noise and the population density. Although uneasy, the girls felt a rush of exhilaration knowing what would be going down later tonight. Unlike the police, both (y/n) and Clio understood why criminals did they things they did, but they don't always see the full picture. Clio was the most sympathetic out of the duo. As much as she loved her job, she felt as though she was the bad guy for taking away what someone had worked their whole life to get, and could never physically take down a gang. Instead, she would research and give feedback to either Max or (y/n), that way she stayed out of the guilt trap that she always seemed to weave herself into.

Overwhelmed, (Y/n) picked up the pace, making a 20-second walk into a mere 10-second dash, before ordering two kimchis to-go. Clio, oblivious the the fact her partner had rushed off, took her time. She was only 10 seconds behind, but once Clio had realised (y/n) had run off and seen her in the small take away shop, she panicked before she let out a long line of cusses before pushing past several men in grey. Thinking she had reached the shop, Clio cleared her throat.

"(y/n) you fuckin' perra, when i catch you i will mu-"

the next thing Clio knew, she was on the floor with a young man with blonde hair, her eyes wide.

"I'm so sorry!" she whispered, pushing herself off the floor and then helping the man up.

"No, it was my fault, really." He brushed his hand through his soft locks, this plump lips pulled outward into a smile. He almost looked like a Disney prince, if they were real of course.

Clio laughed nervously, seeing (y/n) hang out of the shop window, mimicking her and the stranger she'd just bumped into. Noticing Clio attention was elsewhere, The blonde boy turned around to see you making grotesque kissy faces, eyelids fastened tightly together under your rounded shades. He kept his eyes on you, His lip twitching slightly.

"That your friend?" He questioned, not once taking his orbs off of (y/n).

"Yeah, ignore her. She's an idiot." The Spanish girl laughed, pushing her sunglasses up the bridge of her nose.

He just hummed, still watching you.

"Well, i must go, sorry again. see ya." Clio smiled nervously before practically flying over to (y/n), slapping the back of her head playfully, making her giggle

"Yeah, see you later."

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