Chapter 3

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Scattered around the house, the boys waited for Jimin's return. He'd gone to get food, but he was talking way too long.

"What if he's, like, dead?" Tae said from his seat in the kitchen, his finger tracing the edges of his glass cup.

"He only went to get food, Tae," Namjoon replied. He was currently sitting on the sofa, watching some nature documentary Jimin had turned on before he left. It was about crabs and how they survive, and Namjoon found it very interesting.

Tae stood up, glass in hand, and headed over to the sofa before taking a seat next to the leader of the gang.

"Yeah, but you're forgetting we are almost at the top of the 'most wanted' list."

Namjoon turned his head slowly to look at Taehyung before kissing his teeth with a frown.

"shut your dumb ass up."

Tae threw his hands up in defence, his water almost spilling out of the cup he held.

And, as if on queue, Jimin came through the door. The boys all took the hint and came downstairs to find Jimin sweating and out of breath, but with food.

Yoongi, grimacing, took the food from his hands and put it on the kitchen counter for the boys to share out. Worried, Seokjin approached Jimin with careful eyes.

"What happened?" The eldest member asked, trying to get Jimin to explain why he was so tired.

"That girl..." He started, then his eyes darted around the room, pushing past Seokjin.

"Joon?" He shouted, still fatigued.

Namjoon came from around the counter and to Jimin with a questioning look.

"That girl... Uh, whats her name again? The hacker woman thingy that Hoseok found." Jimin waved his hands about in an attempt to explain himself better. All the members let out a knowing 'ah' as they nodded subconsciously.

"(y/n)?" Hoseok chimed, now excited. Jimin nodded, his breath beginning to settle

"Yeah, well I saw her. She's got a friend, too. She's small though, compared to (y/n). They were both blatantly in disguise, but (y/n)'s shades did her no justice."

Namjoon just nodded, a finger curled beneath his bottom lip.

"Where were they?" Jungkook asked, suddenly feeling a little confident with himself.

"Outside that little place, we like to eat at." Jimin took a seat next to Yoongi, opening up his box of food and digging in.

"No way... That close?" Seokjin shook his head, he didn't know you would be so active near BTS's base.

"Yeah, I ran all the way back just to tell you guys." Jimin laughed, taking another bite of his food.

"Boss, do you think she will be at the Octagon tonight?" Taehyung looked up to Namjoon, who was still lost in thought.

"Why would she be? Shes a pig, Tae. If she was smart, she'd think twice before stepping into that fucking club. the place is crawling with men that would pay hundreds- no, thousands, to have her as their little pet, and her friend as a bonus. Just because she works with the police doesn't mean she's God-tier, she isn't used to the life of a gang." Yoongi chipped in.

The boys hummed as a response, knowing Yoongi was right.

"We'll just have to wait and see~" Hoseok sang, taking the other seat that was free next to Yoongi.

You waltzed out of the dressing room, and Clio let out a loud wolf whistle, making you laugh hysterically.

"God damn, (y/n). Those boys would be stupid not to look your way tonight!" Your friend propped her drink on the floor next to her seat, clapping slowly, capturing the attention of some upper-class women nearby who sneered at the sight of you two.

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