Chapter 7

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You had to get out.

You suddenly feel a pain in your abdomen. It isn't sharp like a knife point or needle, but it's a blunt burning pain that ate at your innards and turned your blood to acid. You didn't want to hack Max, he was one of your closest friends and colleagues. Your heart began to beat harder, pearls of sweat forming above your brow.

"Whats wrong?" Jhope asked, gazing at you with concerned eyes. You avoided him, swallowing sharply as he stroked your back comfortingly. Once he was content you'd calmed down slightly, he typed in numerous codes that allowed him to see through Max's webcam. He looked a mess, his eyes drooped like wilting flowers and his hair curled like scorched wires. You almost gasped, He was working his ass off trying to find you. Brick by brink, your wall came down. Tears streamed down your face with more ferocity than a storm on the coast of Wales. You never learnt to cry with style, silently, the pearl-shaped tears rolling down your face from your beautiful (e/c) orbs. If you had, you would have done it in front of people more often, instead of in your bedroom or in the toilet. Jhope felt his body freeze. He knew who Max was to you; He was testing you. He wasn't testing your loyalty, he was just lulling you into the fact that you were going to be submissive to BTS whether you liked it or not. But still he felt bad, The only reason you were still alive was that you were one of a kind, and he didn't want you to just be some obedient dog to the team, he wanted you to be a part of the family.

Jhope sighed and typed something into his computer.

private Menu makeEditMenu() { Menu editMenu = new Menu("Edit"); MenuItem mi = new MenuItem("Cut"); mi.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(mi); mi = new MenuItem("Copy"); mi.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(mi); mi = new MenuItem("Paste"); mi.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(mi); mi = new MenuItem("Clear"); mi.addActionListener(this); editMenu.add(mi); return editMenu; CHAT OPEN:>

JHOPE: Remember me?
USER(01)MAX: Where is mfeux?
JHOPE: Shes safe.
USER(01)MAX: She isnt safe with you, we will find BTS and we will take you down.
JHOPE: She wasn't safe with you either.
JHOPE: Was she?
JHOPE: Dont just look at the screen, say something.
JHOPE: mfeux is with me, she can see what youre doing.
USER(01)MAX: Dont tell her.
JHOPE: Tell her what? She seems interested :)
USER(01)MAX: Fuck you.
JHOPE: See you soon :)


You looked at him, eyes bloodshot.

"(Y/N), you have to understand something that might be a little hard to swallow." He rolled his head backwards. In that moment, dread owned him. His breath hitched in his throat, and his words failed to form words on his tongue. He was so close to telling you, so close. When the words arose in his throat the door to his office burst open, showing V in his crisp black suit.

"We're leaving in 20 minutes, (y/n) I think your dress is in his room," V said, pointing at Jhope before running to tell the others, leaving the door open. You sniffled, standing up and rubbing your face. You left the room, making your own way to Jhope's room, avoiding the boys. Jhope wasn't far behind you and stood in the doorway as you sat on his bed.

"What did Max do?" You finally asked, your eyes still reddened.

"It's not the right time to tell you." He said, rummaging through his wardrobe and pulling out a sleek black dress. It was a classy, spaghetti strap maxi dress that dipped at the neckline, showing off your cleavage gracefully. He layed it on the bed next to where you sat, pulling out his own suit.

"Get ready, there's some makeup in the purple bag under my bed." He mumbled before walking out of his bedroom, leaving you alone.

Max did something, and you had no idea what.

The boys piled into the car, Suga in the driver's seat. They all looked very uptown in their matching designer suits. You had taken a little longer to get ready because of your makeup, but you didn't hold them up for long. You shyly approached the car, Jimin opening the door for you. He grabbed your hand and kissed it with a smile.

"You look beautiful." He whispered before letting you in. Thankfully, Jungkook was on the other side of the car. You sat at the window, next to Jimin with RM in front of you and Jin behind you. Suga took off, speeding down the busy streets of Seoul. The boys hollered like little children, chanting and screaming out of the windows. The onlookers gasped when they realised it was BTS and tried their best not to look nervous. You couldn't help but giggle at their antics- they were no more mature than school boys. RM watched you through the mirror of the car, a rare but genuine grin spread across his lips.

They arrived at a swanky restaurant called "The Tree." This place was notoriously famous for mafias and gangsters alike. You grimaced at the thought, letting the boys get out the car before you. RM, however, waited for you. You stepped out of the car to meet his outstretched hand, the rest of boys already halfway through the door. His callused skin was oddly juxtaposed to the crispness of his suit, tailored to perfection, likely in a high-end London tailor's shop. His eyes had a look of long yearned for mischief beneath heavily tensed lids. You took his hand, and he curled his arm around yours, ushering you through the large glass doors. The restaurant was full of noise, most of it coming from Jhope and V. Old, wrinkled men sat at the bar smoking cigars, while groups of middle-aged mafia ladies laughed and drank to their health, and there were even some brave European tourists mulling about at the odd empty table.

And that was when you felt the air shift.

Above you, there was a balcony with a special booth. You couldn't see who was in there, but you saw faces. Faces that screamed at you, faces that made you uneasy. RM noticed your gaze, and he seemed to also notice who the people where. He dragged you ahead quickly, sitting you down beside him. He then whispered something into Jungkooks ear, who took off into the shadows and upstairs. You felt nervous for some odd reason, but you couldn't recall why. Shuffling, you noticed half of the table was empty, but when you saw Clio practically running toward you through the glass doors, Jackson in tow, You felt the anxiety you had earlier melt away.

Even though those people were still upstairs.

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