Chapter 6

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Slowly and reluctantly, you uncover your face. you blink, close your eyes, and blink again. Streaks of sunlight penetrate the window and blind you. You sit up, drag your feet off the bed, and rub your knuckles onto your eyes. You stretch your arms above your head and yawn, causing a neatly wrapped package to fall from your bed. You pick it up and rip open the paper to find clothes and a note.

"Training starts today, kitten. Sorry about the clothes. - Suga"

You lifted the fabric to find they were yoga shorts and a sports bra. You sighed and pushed the covers off of your body, getting changed quickly. You folded your old clothes and hid them under the bed before fixing your hair and walking out of the room, becoming aware of the amazing smell coming from the kitchen.You found Jin pulling out a tray of freshly baked cookies, laying them on the counter in front of him. Their aromatic fragrance overpowered every other scent that lingered in the room. Its delectable aroma pervaded the air- a melange of honeydew, orange preserves and dabs of cracking nuts. So very tempting to grab and simply indulge in this decadent pleasure, or to merely inhale the gorgeous scent it emanated from its baked, warm depths. You went to grab one, but Jin quickly took it out of your grasp.

"Sorry my dear, they're not for you." He said while putting the cookie back on the tray with an apologetic shrug. He then took the cookies and placed them in a jar, sealing the lid.

"Why can't I have any if you're putting them away?" You asked, a bit upset that you didn't get to taste Jin's cooking. Jin looked up at you and grabbed a small black vile from out of his pocket labelled "Darpholiax." Darpholiax was a leaf from Japan that people used to use to kill their enemies and not get caught. From what you'd heard it would churn up your insides like bleach, and made you seizure. It was a slow, painful process. In fact, Darpholiax was so rare it was considered extinct. You blinked at Jin as he put it back in his pocket and walked into the living room to relax. God bless the man that Jin was after.

You dug through the fridge, grabbing an apple. You didn't want to use something you'd be told off for. You sat at the table, taking a bite out of the fruit and began to let your mind wander. You had a tendency for overthinking, and you had a lot of thinking to do. Where you ever going to get out? Were you gonna die? You knew you had to be more aggressive towards the boys, because otherwise, they may take you for something you're not. But, like usual, you overthought and came to a conclusion; you liked this. You liked being safe and having money around you. You took another bite, subconsciously shaking your head in denial when a hand came down your back, breaking your line of thought.

"Get up, we are going to get you trained." Suga dragged you to what looked like a dance studio downstairs, where Jungkook sat. He was in similar gear to you, except his was made for man. When Jungkook saw you her stood, clicking his back. Suga stood beside you with a sigh, his hands in his pockets.

"I want you to beat Jungkook up." Suga finally said, pushing you into Jungkook. The maknae looked down at you, his face unreadable. You looked back at Suga, who was leaning against the back wall with a patient glare. You gulped, taking a step backwards from Jungkook. there was something that made you nervous. It could have been a tincture of the wrong aroma, or the temperature being too cold - like a window had been opened in your absence. You weren't sure. Your instinct told you to run, call Suga, ask him to come, but you decided you were being silly and walked toward the man regardless. There was stillness on both sides. If tension was visible the air would have been scarlet. Then suddenly movement, so much force in every blow. You thrashed about, doing as much damage as possible with your elbows and curled fists, angry grunts coming from both sides. Jungkook suddenly found his feet and pushed you off him, winding you. Shocked, you stayed down as the man threw his body weight behind the fist that edged closer to your face, and hit your jaw with such force blood pooled into your mouth. Pain erupted from the point of impact. With your own two hands you grasped his head in your hands and brought your knee cap up to his nose, there was a blunt crack and released his dark-haired head. You didn't break his nose, but you pissed him off. Jungkook almost growled before lunging at you, hands aiming for your neck.

Suga jumped in, pushing Jungkook off of your body. You crawled backwards as crimson dripped from your lip, slightly shaky.

"Fuck you!" Jungkook howled, writhing in Sugas grasp. Suga elbowed the younger man in the neck, a feral look in both of their eyes.

"I knew you weren't ready to come back yet," Suga mumbled, knocking Jungkook out and picking you up.

You drank in Sugas comment. Jungkook wasn't ready to come back? Why did he have to leave in the first place? To be fair, it wasn't until he tried to strangle you that you noticed his animalistic behaviour. Suga dropped you in the kitchen and fetched Jin, who was with you in a mere few seconds.

"What happened?" He asked with worried eyes, grabbing a tissue from the counter and cleaning up what he could. RM also came out, sitting next to you as Jin washed out your mouth.

"I asked Jungkook would fight (y/n) for her training and he went weird again," Suga admitted, leaning against the wall. With that, RM stood up and went downstairs presumably to speak to the maknae. Suga pushed himself off the wall and followed the gang leader.

Jin sighed as he put the bloodied tissue in the bin, making you a hot chocolate with cream on the top. You smiled weakly at him as he passed you the sweet treat, sitting down beside you.

"You're lucky you didn't lose a tooth." He said, a hand under his palm. You sipped at your hot chocolate, the heat burning at your wounds. You looked at jin with a pout, but he only laughed at you. He wiped the cream off your nose, holding it in front of your lips. You looked up at him, confused. Was he expecting you to ick it off?

"No food goes to waste here." His smile was sweet, but his voice was deep and gravelly like it had been dragged up from hell. Your jaw clenched awkwardly before you obliged, licking it off as unsexually as possible. Still, Jin tilted his head back watching you.

"You have a nice tongue." He said casually, smiling at you still. You swallowed, giving him a quiet thank you. V suddenly burst into the kitchen with his usually boxy smile, waltzing towards you.

"(y/n), youre coming to dinner with us tonight okay~?" He chimed, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. You nodded, knowing you didnt have much other choice. He hummed and walked downstairs to tell RM. Somehow Jin had dissapeared during that quick conversation, leaving you in the kitchen by yourself with your hot chocolate.

But, as if magic, Hoseok came of what looked like his office. He saw you and flashed his heart smile, standing next to you.

"You look lonesome." He commented, sticking out his bottom lip.

"I miss Clio, and I have no real purpose here." You admitted, scratching your neck as Hoseok watched you.

"I'm sure you'll see Clio soon. Would you like to come help me? I'm trying to hack this guy but he's pretty good." He nudged you, knowing that you'd been craving for a computer. You looked up at him and nodded sheepishly. He hissed a 'yes' before going back to the dark office, to find a maze of computers. The room was full of wires and screens and there was barely any light. You stared at Hoseok in awe, he had your dream office.

"Jhope, this is amazing!" You cried, looking at him with excited eyes. He returned the heart smile before signalling for you to sit next to him.

"Now, the guy I've found is really hard to access. I know his name and that's it." He said with his eyebrows furrowed tightly at his screen.

"What is it?" You asked, leaning in.

"Max Dillion."

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