Chapter 5.75

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"Is it ok if I sleep with you, RM?" You asked sheepishly, meeting his cold gaze. He laughed through his nose before nodding his head.

"Get some sleep boys, I don't want my men slacking." He hollered, already walking toward his room. You struggled to keep up with him, his long strides much quicker than you short ones. His room was the one at the end - it had a golden name tag that stood out from the rest.

"Kim Namjoon."

His name was gorgeous, why wouldn't he want to flaunt it? You watched RM unlock the door, revealing his lavish room. The whole entire front wall was a window; the lights of Seoul pouring through the glass and acing on the white carpet of RMs bedroom. He had one chair that overlooked the view and a king-sized round bed. The sheets were white silk- real silk at that. on the walls of his bed where two pictures either side. They were unrecognisable - it was abstract art. However, you noticed an eye in each painting, and it made you feel a little uneasy. RM walked into his simplistic room, walking into his walk-in wardrobe and getting changed into a v-neck white vest and his black boxers. He passed you the shirt he'd worn the whole day with a tired smile. You awkwardly took it and shuffled into the wardrobe, subconsciously becoming aware of how full it was. Everything was designer and it made you nervous. The boys had so much money, you could even begin to think about what they did for it. Beneath the clothes where piles of guns, some looked old while some looks spanking new. You tore your eyes away from the visual feast and pulled your black dress off, buttoning up RMS shirt and entering back into the bedroom. He was already in bed, the silk sheets draped lazily over him, a glass of water in hand. His toned legs peeked from beneath the silk, his caramel skin glistening. You gulped nervously, how were you supposed to sleep in a bed with him?

"Are you going to stop staring or am I just going to have to force you to sleep?" He asked finally, propping the glass cup on the bedside the cabinet with a smirk.

Your face grew red as he leaned back- damn you for having staring problems. You walked over to the bed slowly. He watched you with a rare smile, shuffling over a bit to make room for you. you climbed into bed as RM turned off the lights. You both lay still, you being the more awkward half He looked at you and laughed, pulling you into a strong hug, you head on his chest.

"Relax, you're safe with me- im a gang leader, remember." He nuzzled the top of your head before dozing off.

Ita true, you had nothing to worry about now you were in his arms.


"I pick Jin," You smiled over at Jin, who smiled back at you. That mad had the biggest heart in the world. How could you not want to share a bed with him?

He linked arms with you, walking you to his room. His tag was white and blended into his door.

"Kim Seokjin."

You chuckled at his name- you finally saw where the name 'Jin' came from. He pushed open the door with a sigh, showing you his room. It was mostly blue, with one bed in the middle. It reminded you of a Victorian bedroom. All of the furniture was golden and handmade- it looked so expensive, you didn't want to touch any of it. The thing that caught your eye was the lilies. On the bedside table was a flower vase full of lilies, each one of them healthy and crisp. You walked over to them as Jin got changed, your hand caressing the soft petals. They reminded you of porcelain, the way the petals curved so gently and felt as soft as clouds. The flowers stood out from the royal blue room, and it brought you peace.

You got into bed before Jin as you couldn't be bothered t get changed. By the time he was dressed, you were already half asleep. He smiled at your tired figure, laying next to you and stroking your hair.

"Sleep tight, my love." He kissed your forehead before turning off the light, draping his hand around your waist.


"I pick Suga," You said, RM raising a brow at you questioningly. Before he could ask you why on earth you'd want to share a bed with that little shit, Suga had already begun dragging you away.

"Shut up." He said, even though you hadn't spoken a word. He forced his door open, pushing you inside. You yelped, tripping over his clothes. He looked down at you as he collapsed into his bed.

"For your information, I sleep a lot." He said quietly, his voice muffled by the pile of pillows he had submerged himself in.

"Me too, I thought you'd be the lazy type; that's why I picked you." You smiled, climbing next to him. He groaned, pretending to push you away.

"Begone" He hissed, eyebrows furrowed. You laughed quietly, digging through his blankets and kicking off hi sown bed. He growled, pouncing on you. You gasped, cocooning yourself deeper in the blanket. Soon enough, Sugas fighting had died down and you felt a dead weight weighing you down. You peeked your head out of your shield to find Suga sleeping on top of you, a faint smile still visible on his lips. You rolled him onto the bed and covered him with his blanket before getting yourself comfy, giving his head a pat.

"Goodnight, Suga." You chimed, closing your eyes.

Suga opened his, watching you fall asleep with genuine eyes.

goodnight, (y/n)

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