Chapter 5.25

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Once the boys had cleared out, RM let go of your wrist.The very second he let go of you, you tugged your hand back your torso violently. Confused by your action, RM raised an eyebrow lips curled into a sort of frown. You stared at the man, his cold behaviour far beyond noticeable. He got up and pushed his chair in, making haste toward the door.

"Come on, we can talk in my office." RM opened it, letting himself out and not holding the door for you. His blonde hair bounced as he walked. His body, although fully clothed, was amazing- He was a living work of art, his brown skin so tempting to touch; although only his perfectly muscular forearm was exposed, thick veins popping out of them. To say RM looked dapper would be an understatement. He was the kind of gang leader you'd meet in novels -he had the morals of a sewer rat, but the respectability of a God. Of course, he had to be handsome. His plump, pink lips seemed to be constantly stuck in a line, his narrow brown orbs cold and rigid, perfectly framed by his exotic eyebrows. He was someone you didn't fuck with, and that was enough to keep you away from him.

When you reached his office, you took a seat in the small chair opposite his larger than life desk. He took off his tie, sitting down in his leather recliner before placing his elbows on the desk, his calloused hands tucked neatly underneath his chin. After a moment of silence, he sighed.

"You'll have to forgive me," He began, shuffling slightly forwards. "I'm not good around ladies of your type."

He struck you as a player straight away, he'd clearly met a lot of women. You gave the man a bitter look, was he implying you were a prostitute?

"ladies of my type?" You repeated, your face getting a little red from anger. RM noticed your strange expression and chuckled through his chest.

"I mean intelligent women," He now leaned back, hands in his lap. "I've read your report - Jhope had his eyes on you for a while, but it looks like you flew straight into our hands. You're very smart, A's and A*'s... You even skipped your academic training course for the police force. Are you a skilled fighter then?"

"First of all, I don't work for the police, I work for Lure-3, a hacking association that sometimes helps the police out. Second of all, no. They needed manpower behind the computers, and couldn't waste any more time training me to fight when I would barely be doing any. I was trained on how to deal with kidnappings and being held hostage, though." Not realising you were somewhat insulting RM, you sat back quietly.

He looked at you, somewhat amused.

"I like you. Because you're new, and you'll probably try to escape, how would you like to be my personal assistant? You won't do anything too demanding, just the boring shit I don't have time to do." He said but did not ask. It was more of a demand in disguise. You nodded, already deciding that arguing would be the worst thing you could do. He smiled dangerously before grabbing a folder from his desk and removing a 'contract'.

"All the boys had to do one, you're no different." He clarified, passing you his bulky ink pen. You looked up at him briefly, then began to read the terms of the contract. In short, it just clarified that if you misbehave, you die. You sighed heavily heartedly and signed it, sliding the paper and the pen back to the handsome man.

"Great, " He got up and ushered you out of the room. Confused, you turned to look at him. "It's getting late, and we don't have a spare room. Ill sort you out with one of the guys." RM stood with you in the man cave where all of the boys were huddled around the tv that was mounted on the wall, each of them screaming about the game they were playing - which looked a lot like Mario Kart. RM cleared his throat, putting his arm around your tense shoulders.

"Boys," RM boomed, all of his men snapping their heads to face him simultaneously.

"Our girl has to share a room with one of you tonight because her room isn't ready. I'll give her the honour of picking, I'm not a monster after all." He looked at you as the rest of the gang let out light chuckles. You looked around nervously, biting your lip.

"Ill pick..."


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