Chapter 16: Sealed.

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I lay down on my bed and smiled. I have gotten along with Liam and the rest. I didn't know fighting would of change it but it still didn't matter, it did and I was happy for it. I held my left hand in the air looking at the bracelet that Lucas had given me. Something was odd about it, but I didn't know how true my feelings were so I keep quite and did tell Lucas anything. When fighting with Liam earlier I had try to use it as a test but each time I try activating the sigil. It felt like the power was being drained away. I was lucky to get a bit of it and landed that blow on him or he would of got me. Who would of taught a little would of enhance my strength but that made me exhausted after.

I sat up on the bed, I wanted to find out if the bracelet was the problem, or I wasn't doing it right. I went quite and focus on activating the sigil.

Focus, Forcus...

I then felt a rush of energy within me as I saw the sigil forming quickly but it suddenly vanish along with the energy I felt. I tried again...

It was the same...



And again..

It was the same  result.

I was trying to caught my breath, I was sweating a lot and I was feeling light headed. I fall back on the bed and look at the bracelet then at the hook that connects it. I decided that am going to take it off.

I suddenly felt and electric shock course through my hand, I pulled away from it.

"What the?" Luckily the shock wasn't strong to kill me but what's up with this bracelet. I look at the bracelet more confused then saw  sometimes surrounding the bracelet. I look closely, 'What are these things?'

"Those Luna is what you call seals."

I jumped upright after hearing the male's voice.

I look over to the window to see Spencer leaning side of it.

"Can you stop popping up like that?" I asked, his grin grew wider and I sigh, "Anyway can't the vampires sense you?" I asked remembering the first time we've met.

"I've cast a illusion spell on them that messes with their senses....they would be sensing the same thing before I got here." He smiled at himself.

I then held up my hand so he can see, "Can you explain this to me?"

He came closer looking at the bracelet and nodded, "'s exactly what I taught it would be," He said then look at me, "This my friend is a 3 dimensional, Trigram seal."

"A seal.." I mutter as he continued,

" the looks of it, it only can be undone by the person who activate it and when it being tug at it sends a shock that becomes stronger to prevent the person from taking it off."

"Why does this bracelet have a seal?"  I asked.

"If I have to guess I'll say that the person don't want you to activate/ use your powers.. But something is odd." He said.

I look at him as he spoke, "The only person I know who is skilled in this kind of seal is Annabel."

'Does Lucas know I have powers?...Could it be the reason why they suddenly went away?' I asked myself.

Ever since the accident with Liam, Katherine and Luciana, Lucas have been acting weird even Jade and Paige. So do they know something about this? I look at the bracelet, Or was it someone else doings.

"That's what you have to find out by yourself. " Spencer said reading my mind then look at the door, "Well my illusion spell is about ware off so to I'll be taking leave now.. Until we meet again. Bye Luna." He disappeared.

Spencer was right, I cant find out anything if I don't do something, but its kind of late now... Well its  not like they sleep. I yawned, but I was really tired after fighting and trying to activate my powers, that are now sealed off. I decided that I'll talk to him tomorrow.

Knock, Knock.

'Who can it be?' I thought as I spoke, "Come in."

Lucas walked in and walk over on my bed, "Hey..What's with—"

I was cut off mid sentence by him smashing his lips on mines.

'Wait I have a chance to talk to him now.' I pulled away gasping for air, before I can say anything, he spoke, "Let's continue where we left off earlier."

My eyes widened after in pulled me in a sensuous, juicy kiss. I felt my heart melting.

'What did I wanted to say?' I asked myself.
Forgetting what I wanted to talk about I wrap my hands around his neck pulling him closer to me.


Third Person View.
9:07 in the morning:

"What's taking her so long?" Lucas asked as he look at Jade.

Jade only shrugged and continue to read her book. It was Tuesday morning and Lucas and Jade was waiting for Saya to go College. Katherine, Luciana, Liam and Paige had already went ahead. Jade waited because she had classes at 12 and Lucas was the one driving.

Patient wasn't with Lucas as he muttered, "I'll be back." He ran upstairs and knocked on Saya's door.

"Saya!" He then open the door to see a lump on the bed. He let out a heavy sigh then walk over to her bed

"Saya get up." He said but she didn't reply nor even budge.

'Was she that tired?' Lucas asked himself, 'Well I kinda went a bit a bit surprise the bed is still standing.' Lucas shake the thoughts out his mind and look at the bed,

"Saya we're already late." He stretch his hand to pull the covers off of her.

"What are you doing?" He turn around facing Saya already dressed in a ¾ jeans rolled at the ends and a blue top, she wore a jacket over it to his the exposing skin. Her hair was French braided in one. He look back at Saya's bed to see the lump that was their gone.

'What?' He look at Saya,

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Sorry I took long." She said walking in she then kissed Lucas, it was suppose to be a light kiss but Lucas deepened the kiss, He pulled her closer to him remembering what had happened the night before. All thoughts of being late went out his mind.  Saya suddenly broke the kiss

"We have to go." She pull away from him and he frown from the sudden lost of the warmth from her. She grabbed her bag.

Lucas eyed ran on the bracelet he give her, 'I guess she don't know anything yet." He thought, "Come on let's go." He said walking ahead of Saya.

Saya stretched out her hand to stop Lucas but stop herself and pull it back.

"Am coming." Saya said as she followed him.

'I'll ask him about the bracelet when we both have time.' Saya thought.

"Are you sure about that?" She heard Spencer asked.

"Yeah."  She replied the frown inside, "And next time don't go in my bed, he almost caught you."

"I would of disappeared." He said. She could of sense that he was grinning.

"And you're bed smells weird." Spencer suddenly said.

Her face went beet red.

"What took you so long?" She regain her composure after she heard jade asking, Saya smiled awkwardly,

"Sorry about that."

Jade shake her head as she pick up her back, They all went out the house and got into the car. Saya stared out the window thinking of her approach as Jade read and Lucas drove. No one said a word to each other. Saya had already grew accustom to the silence, so it didn't brother her.

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