09. gummy bears

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Felix | Girl

"How is the business competition stuff coming along?"


"Oh. Why?"

"Uh because I've been short of time recently."

"Oh right. Any ideas come to you recently?"

"Yeah. Haven't got time to expand on them and I keep on forgetting them."

"Write them down whenever you have an idea."

"Er.. ok."

"You okay?"

"Yeah! Totally."

"Well then, you have any ideas?"

"I guess. Maybe instead of bonbons, I could try to make different flavoured sweets like bonbons that taste like different sweets from around the world?"

"Good idea! Write that down, bonbon!"

"Hah. Yeah."

"Are you sure-"

"I've got to go. Bye."


A/N: I wonder what's going on with the girl...

Thank you for #716 in short story along with 688 reads and over 100 votes!! Thank you so much!❤✨

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Until next time!

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