32. chewits

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Felix | Julian


"That hurts! For your information, I was just conversing over the phone."

"Yeah, I know but you can't just tell a random girl over the phone that you like another one, can you?"

"We don't even like each other that way!"

"Are you serious? Are you freaking serious?"


"Ever since she called, you're always staring at your phone. You've even stopped obsessing over her. Whenever your phone rings, you JUMP to answer the phone and if it isn't her, your face falls."

"...That's not true."

"What the hell, man! Just admit it! You like binbin-"


"Bonbon or whatever. You. Like. Her."

"We're just friends."

[Julian sighs and walks out the room, slamming the door.]

A/N: There's a bit of tension! 😶

It's also February! How is yours going so far?

Question: Ice cream or Jelly?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Until next time!

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