36. tiramisu

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Girl | Felix

"How was meeting the Queen?"

"What queen?"

"The Queen that knocked on your door. If it jogs your memory, this happened yesterday."

"Oh, yeah. She's, uh, great."

"Quit lying. Why did you avoid my question?"


"George is my cousin for a reason! Stop lying. Just tell me. You were gonna tell me until you got 'jumpscared'."

"Fine. So, um, I kind of like this girl and I've liked her for a whole year but she hardly knows I exist. This morning, I kind of embarrassed myself and now I think she thinks I'm weird-"

[Bonbon pauses for a second and then speaks.]

"I'm sure she doesn't think you're weird. The weirder the better! Quit stressing!"

"Aha. I haven't finished but lately, I don't know what to feel about her. It seems kinda pointless because all that's happening is unrequited love."

"Hey, hey. Stop. I'm sure you'll figure everything out soon. You just need to sit down and have a think."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely. I did one of those the other day and even if the outcome may not be amazing, it'll help you lessen the burden."

"I . . I think that's what I'll do."

"You do that. I'll talk to you in the morning. Good night."

"Thanks, Bonbon. Good night."

A/N: Some advice with Bonbon!

Who do you think Bonbon is?

Question [it's an activity!] : Social Media bios for the characters?

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Until next time!

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