49. easter eggs

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Felix | Alana

"Hey! Felix!"

[Felix turns at the sound of a familiar voice in the park and comes face to face with Alana and he feels his heart start to heart erratically.]


"How's Easter going?"

"Um, it's, uh, well. I mean, going well. Yours about? Sorry, what about yours?"

"It's grand! There's so many things to eat so I came here to burn off a few calories before the big event!"

"Big event?"

"Yeah, I joined a competition which is all to do about FOOD! Can you believe it? I can make whatever I want and that could be like gravy flavoured pizza or something!"

[Felix pales slightly her answer but shrugs it off thinking that it could be a common thought for university students.]

"Aha. Sounds interesting. What're you planning on making?"

"I don't know.. something sweet? You'll be there right?"

"Um, I-"

"It's okay if you can't. I'm planning on meeting someone there so if you're busy I-"

"It's fine if you're busy. I'll, uh, think about it and maybe get back to you later in the week?"

"Sure! Better go burn that Raspberry Tart! See ya!"

[Alana crouches to the ground to tie her undone  lace while Felix continues to reel from his short conversation with Alana as he pulls out his phone, the thoughts spinning in his head.]

Text Message to : Bonbon!!

Bonbon... I think I need to tell you something.

[And a few seconds after he presses send, Alana's phone chimes  with message as she stands up with a worried face while Felix watches it happen with disbelief. Alana was Bonbon and he didn't know what to do.]

A/N: HAPPY EASTER EVERYBODY!! (Even if you don't celebrate it, I hope you have a nice day as always!)

Hmm, revelations... Anyway, my little surprise to you guys is a little book called Cerys' Cafe on my profile which is filled with the extra things to do with the Snacks Trilogy world that don't necessarily fit in in the main books! You'll understand a bit better when you get there but I've put up a Q+A question chapter where you can ask the characters or whoever your burning questions to the most random ones!

Question: What's the weirdest coincidence that happened to you?

Don't forget to vote, comment and share!

Until next time.

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