43. jamaican ginger cake

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Felix | Girl

"Why aren't you answering my messages?"

"I'm drunk."

"I can see that! Who are you at the party with?"

[Felix hiccups and chuckles.]

"Skunk. I'm drunk as a skunk!"

"CONCENTRATE. Who are you with?"


"What exactly does h-o-m-w mean?"



"Bonbon! I needed to pee."


"I wanna go home. Home. Homeee. That sounds FUNNY when you drag it out."

"Okay, I'll call a taxi for you. Where are you?"


"Focus! What do you see? I don't want you to end up waking up on the pavement with a bloody hangover."

"I think I'm outside Euphoria."

"Cool, wait outside the club and get in when you see a blue car pull up. It's a taxi and yell them where you live."

"'Kay. I SEE IT! I WIN!!"


[A bang followed by a shout can be heard through the phone.]

"Bloody car doors. My head feels silly even- Evan! Straight home."

"You know the driver?"

[Felix yelps and drops his phone, ending the call.]

"Great. Now he's probably going to end up sleeping on his doorstep."

A/N: Felix is plastered and I have a feeling this isn't going to end well.

Question: Favourite word?

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Until next time!

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