Chapter 11: Naruto,Sasuke and Kaitlyn

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Naruto's POV

Today I was out playing with Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba and Shino, until I saw Kaitlyn walking. 'hm? I wonder where she's going?'

"Come on Naruto, or else you'll be it!" Kiba said, shouting at me

"Sorry guys, I'll see you tomorrow" I said then running over to the direction Kaitlyn was going

"Naruto where are going!?" Shikamaru shouted out but I didn't bother answering

After running, I spotted Kaitlyn. I followed her around the village without her noticing me, I was thinking that maybe I would be able to catch her by surprise with my ninja skills. A couple minutes passed, and Kaitlyn ended up in the training grounds, she soon went past this tree and then disappeared. "What? Where did she go?" I walked up to the tree she was at and nothing, I walked backwards around the tree again until I bumped into something behind me. I turn around to see Sasuke. "WHAT! SASUKE!!!"

"Naruto? What are you doing here?" he said in his bored voice

"I SHOULD BE ASKING YOU THAT!" I shouted in his face



"An idiot, cause that's the truth!" He said glaring at me and I did the same

"GRRRR... SASUKE!" I was going in to punch him in the face until...

"THE TWO OF YOU ARE SO BLOODY LOUD!!!" both me and Sasuke got hit on the head. We looked up to see Kaitlyn on one of the tree branches, hanging upside down.

"OW! What was that for!" I said looking up at her

"Because you two were arguing so loud that I couldn't sleep" she said looking a bit angry

"Well you needed to get up anyways to train with me" Sasuke said from beside me and I was just shocked


"So what, jealous" he just irritated me

"WHY ARE YOU HELPING HIM TRAIN, WHY NOT TRAIN ME!" I pleaded to Kaitlyn a little angry at her, ok a lot angry, I mean Sasuke out of all people!

"Well first, to tell the truth I didn't want to, he kind of black mailed me and second you didn't ask." She explained

"Yeah, plus she has no more time to keep helping you." Sasuke insulted me, then Kaitlyn hit him on the head again. "Ow, what was that for?" he asked, and I just laughed inside

"Cause I felt like it." She said then Sasuke just shrugged it off. Me and him came into eye contact and we stared at each other, I heard Kaitlyn sigh

"Ok guys cut it out." She said and finally jumped down from the tree, which was what got me and Sasuke's attention. "Since were fighting over who I'm going to train, the answer is obvious."

"O, o, pick me pick me!" I said jumping up and down with my hand up

"If she's going to pick anyone it would be me, I asked first!" Sasuke said to me like he knew everything, which only made me mad again

"YOU TWO ARE GOING TO FIGHT EACHOTHER." She announced. We looked at her with a 'what did she say' face. "I want the two of you to fight each other, and I will decide on who to train." I looked at Sasuke and he looked back at me

"I'm going to win this!" I said with a smirk on my face

"In your dream's loser!" he smirked

"Now the two of you will fight for about 2 minutes or until I tell you to stop, the rules are simple no kill each other, jutsu's are not allowed, weapons are allowed but remember no kill attacks and last if you are down for more than 10 seconds the match is over, got it!"

"Yeah" Sasuke said

"Bring it" I said now psyched 

"'sigh' Now I'm starting to regret this." Kaitlyn muttered from the spot she was standing


Now me and Sasuke are standing in a clearing on the training grounds, waiting for Kaitlyn to start the match.

"Ok now on my mark, 3... 2... 1... BANANA'S!" me and Sasuke both fell to the ground at how stupid that was.

"TAKE THIS SERIOUSLY!" both of us said in unison with a vain popping out.

"Sorry I just couldn't help myself." She smiled and rubbing the back of her head "Ok let's try this again." Me and Sasuke got into our fighting stances. "3... 2... 1... FIGHT!"

Sasuke made the first move and threw a kunai in my direction, I quickly dodged it and ran towards him closing my hand into a fist ready to punch him, but he went down dodging my punch. He tried to come and grab me again, like back at the competition

"I'm not falling for that again!" I spun around and back kicked him. He was sent forward but still wasn't giving up, he threw more of his kunai's and some shuriken's at me. I dodged them with ese (Yeah, he was lying, it was more difficult than he says.) he suddenly came out from behind me and kicked me in the back, I was now sent flying into a tree. My front and back now hurt, I turned to Sasuke and he was smirking, I got up and said

"Is that all you got!" I lied to him with an equal smirk on my face, he seemed to have believed it because he stopped smirking and looked annoyed

I started running back at him and he started running at me, the both of us pulled out a fist and aimed for the face. We hit each other in the face and we stayed in that position looking at each other, then falling down at the same time. We were panting hard, sweat was dripping down my face, we got up off the ground, we came at each other again with a lot of punching, kicking and dodging until we couldn't keep going anymore. We were on the ground once more and getting back up for another round until...

"Alright! Match Over!" Kaitlyn announced

"Has it already been 2 minutes' already?" said Sasuke

"Nope, I have made my decision." We then looked at her with thoughts of who she possibly could have picked to train, the tension in the air was thick as we waited. I couldn't handle it much longer

"Who did you pick!" I said, wanting it to be me. She looked at us and said

"I will train..."

'please be me and not Sasuke, please be me and not Sasuke, please be me and not Sasuke...' I repeated in my mind, then...

"...the both of you." She said with a smile, me and Sasuke at the same time said

"Wait, WHAT!"

"Why do I have to train alongside with THIS guy!" I said and Sasuke just started at me, but I ignored it

"Well... to put it simple, it wouldn't be fair if I chose only one of you over the over." She explained

'she couldn't pick, she didn't want to let any of us down, Kaitlyn you're the best!' I said in my head

"Or is it because you thought that if Naruto is here I would be too distracted, and you could sleep in peace." Sasuke said from where he was sitting with an interrogating stare

"Nooo... of course not." She dragged out, turning her head away from us, I saw her sweat. Me and Sasuke just stared her down, there was a dark aura around us, Kaitlyn noticed, and she started sweating more. 'That was why she chose the both of us, I won't forgive her for this.' I thought to myself "T...too congratulate you guys, let's have Ichiraiku my treat." 'Never mind!'

"Yeah! Ramen!" I cheered

"hmp! Fine." He shrugged but I also think I saw him smile... nah! must be my imagination, time for ramen!

"Come on guys let get going." We were off to get ramen and my training with Kaitlyn and Sasuke would start tomorrow.

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