Chapter 10: Day's Off

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Kaitlyn's POV

Mission after mission, I was finally given some days off, I was so happy to hear it. I came back to the apartment looked around to see if Naruto was here but he's not there, he must be out. I then made some instant ramen for myself, too tired to make anything else. Sitting around the place was so boring so I got up and decided to go shopping for some art equipment. I always liked drawing and art and whenever I come to a new world I'd draw things I find cool, important or interesting like a visual dairy.

After searching for a shop that sells good art equipment I bought an art book, pencils and colouring pencil's. 'Were to go now?' I thought about it and decided to just go over to the training grounds. I walked all the way there in no time and tried to look for a good spot to sit, which was underneath a tree. I then started to draw random things like the time I came here and the times with Naruto. Drawing things that happened are stuff I like to do the most, kind of like a recording of my life. The wind blew gently against my face and the sun shine was warm, my eyes started to get tired and I yawned, I held my new art book towards my chest and then placed it on my face, laying down on the ground under the tree, placing my left arm under my head, my right on my stomach and then fell asleep.


I slowly opened my eyes because of some voice I heard, I was debating whether to get up or just stay asleep, after debating I decided to just get up, I removed the book from my face and slowly got up, once I blinked a couple of times I was finally able to see who it was making the noise. It was the kid that Naruto fought in that competition, what was his name again? Sase... Sake... Sausage? It started with a S I'm sure.

"Hey, I remember you, you're that kid versing Naruto, right?" I said and he was surprised, I don't think he saw or knew that I woke up.

"Oh, sorry I was getting my kunai, wait yeah, I remember you, you're that guy who cheered on for that loser" He said disgusted by the fact I know Naruto "Who are you anyway?" I ignored his question and hit him on the head.

"Ow! What was that for?!" he said while rubbing the bump on his head

"That's for calling Naruto a loser" I said with an anger mark on my head

"What are you his mother!" he yelled

"No, I'm more like his Big Sister" he then looked at me weirdly

"Wait what?" he said, and I was now realizing why "You're a GIRL!"

"Yup" I smiled while closing my eyes and rubbing the back of my head

He just looked completely shocked, by this, while for me I never get tired to see that look in people's faces when they find out, it's always amusing. After a little bit, he calmed down and I asked him again

"So, kid what's your name again?" he then looked at me

"What's yours?"

"I asked first"

"no, you go first" I then got another anger mark

"Fine, rock paper scissors, whoever loses has to tell their name first" we then got ready

"ROCK... PAPER... SCISSORS... BAM!" we said together, and he got rock and I got paper

"Ha! I win now tell me"

"My parents always tell me never to tell strangers anything"

"WHAT!!! That no fare, I won, you have to tell... but my parents told me to do the same when I was a kid..., but anyway, still, I WON!!!"

"Now if I remember I didn't agree to that wager." He then smirked

"Aaaaagggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!..." I yelled in frustrated, while throwing my hand on my head, making a mess out of my hair, well messier then it already was.

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