CHAPTER 1: What The.......

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I woke up wincing at the bright light shining straight down towards my eyes and as I opened my eyes more and began looking around, I noticed I was in a hospital?

When I turned my head, I saw a girl close to my age, sitting in the chair, asleep.

As I began looking around more, trying to think about what all was going on and why I was here, the door opens and in walks a good looking man, a little older than me, with tattoos all over him, a bag of what smelled like donuts as well as a couple cups of coffee. He stops and looks at me surprised.

"You're up!?!" He stutters a little.

"Y-yeah. Who are you?" I ask.

Then the girl that was sleeping beside my bed was up now.

"Oh my god. You're awake. How do you feel? Can I get you anything?" She asks me.

"Babe. Slow." Was all the guy told her.

He then began to slowly walk up beside the girl that was now standing as they both now were looking at me.

"I'm sorry, but who are you. Why am I in the hospital?" I began to ask.

"Well, we will get to all of that soon. But what we can tell you now is, that you were involved in an accident and that......that my name is, Cynthia and we're best friends. And this is my fiance, Will. We all live together in a house. Including you and..." she then stops after Will squeezes her hand.

Though I could tell by the look on her face that she wanted to tell me so badly much more.

"So, what...." I began but stop as soon as I see a doctor and nurse come walking into the room.

"It's good to see you're finally awake." The doctor tells me as he begins checking my heartbeat and looking at my chart. Or whatever doctor's look on the clipboard. Well, except now, it's on an IPAD.

"Doctor, what's going on?" I ask him.

"Do you remember anything at all?" The doctor asks me with a smile.

"Not really. I mean, I keep having these vivid dreams. But I don't think they mean anything." I began.

"What all are in these dreams?" The doctor asks me.

"It involves wolves and people. And then I see myself fighting a wolf and other people. It's hard to explain and I know it sounds crazy but, it's just a dream, right?" I stop myself to ask him.

"Well, actually, it sounds to me more like they're memories." He says.

"Memories of what?" I ask him confused.

"Of the events that lead to your arrival here, a week ago." He says.

"A week ago? I've been passed out for a week?" I ask him.

"Yes. In fact, I'm amazed at how soon you have awakened. And it's a good sign that in your dreams, you are seeing memories. Which will help in your recovering process." He assuringly tells me.

"Recovery from what?" I asked in a more demanding tone.

"Well, you are suffering from the trauma you had recently experienced a week ago and as a result, you may have temporary memory loss. But from what you have just told me, I don't see why your memory will not return sooner than I had expected. Though I still would like you to take it easy. Don't worry or overthink things. You still need to give your brain time to heal." He tells me in a 'it's no big deal' kind of a way.

"So do I stay here until I'm fully healed and remember things?" I ask.

"No. In fact, you can leave tomorrow morning. When you go home, your friends here will help you in your recovery and in you remembering things. Remember also that this is not going to be healed right away. Try and be patient and try not to stress or anything that could effect in delaying the healing process for you. Don't upset yourself, pretty much."

"Gee. Thanks. But, I don't know these people." I tell him while trying not to be rude as both Cynthia and Will are still standing in the room looking at me with a worried and concerned look.

Which suddenly, I start to feel guilty as I feel that I have hurt their feelings.

"Well, I will leave you alone to rest a little more and then get your paperwork all ready for your release tomorrow and then I will see you in the morning before you go. Sound good?" He asks with a smile.

"Yeah. I don't have a choice." I say in a joking way. Though it was hard for me to smile as I didn't know who these people were that I was going home with.

The nurse then asked both of them to leave me alone and let me rest and to be back here in the morning to pick me up.

Which as soon as they left, I had thought to myself, what kind of a hospital would seriously let strangers take someone home? I mean, I may be over eighteen and all but hello? It still is considered kidnapping.

For the next couple of hours, I tried thinking of ways to leave before they got here in the morning. But I could tell, there was a security guard outside my door all the time.

Which to me was weird. Cause even though I may not fully remember who I am or anything really, I doubt that I'm someone of importance. That much I know.

I quickly realized I needed to stop trying to think as my head started throbbing and sharp pain that was worse than a migraine had come out of nowhere, causing me to quickly press the button for a nurse or someone to come in and help me.

In which seconds later, a nurse came running in and as she noticed me holding my head, she quickly started to insert a needle into my I.V. and injected it with what I call, 'LaLaLand' stuff.

Not only did it make my pain go away, but it also had knocked me out.

Then while I was sleeping, I had another dream. Though it had nothing to do with fighting. It was about me and this fine as hell man, who came up out of the ocean water and came walking up towards me.

Which not that I'm complaining, but shit, this guy was sexy as fuck and from after what he told me, apparently he was all mine.

That's how I knew this couldn't be a memory. Nobody as fine as this man was could possibly be with a curvy girl like me. There was no way. I swear, someone was gonna end up in the hospital bed next to me if they woke me up from this dream.

Damn, whoever this man was, I was glad he was mine and I was his in the dream and was so glad that he felt real. And also, I hope that whatever the nurse gave me, let's me take some home with me tomorrow, if it means that I get to keep dreaming about him.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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