EPILOGUE: Six Years Later.....

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        It's been a good several years since all that shit went down with Nick.

       Though I can't help but think that it wasn't just the ending to Nick and his threat to Cam and his parents' lives but that it was the last piece that needed to be buried along with my past, including my sister Amy.

        I came into this world as a human. Not knowing my purpose. Feeling hopeless and like there was no reason for me to be here in this world.

       Then I met Cam and at first, as we all know, it wasn't the best introduction. But who once was a ruthless, careless, selfish and egotistical asshole of an Alpha, became what he truly was deep down inside. A caring and most honorable Alpha out there.

        I kind of feel like the characters I read in those werewolf romance stories on WattPad.

        I couldn't be happier at the moment. Not to mention that six years ago, we got married and nine months after that, we had twins boys. Isaack and Westley.

        Everyone was happy and excited when I got pregnant, but especially Cam. He couldn't wait until the day came along when the boys would be old enough for him to train them how to become future Alpha's.

       Today was my birthday and I woke up with our two boys running in our room and jumping on our bed, giving me kisses while Cam came walking in behind them carrying a tray of food and some coffee and a glass of OJ.

         "Alright boys, come on, go get ready." Cam says to them.

         I sit up in bed as the boys run out the room and close the door behind them.

        "Good morning." I tell him.

        "Good morning beautiful. Happy Birthday." He says as he sets the tray down on the bed and leans over to give me a long and sweet passionate kiss.

        "Thanks for making breakfast baby." I smile at him.

        "Of course." He smiles.

        We ate breakfast together and then took a shower and made love to each other. Which is why it took us a little bit longer than normal and then apparently him and the boys had something planned for me for the day and so we went out and went to see a movie and had lunch and even played at the park.

         Over all, it was the best birthday I have ever had and one I'll remember always.

         After the park, we headed back home and Cam told me he had one more surprise for me.

        So I got dressed and I looked very  beautiful and curvalicious if I do say so myself and we went to a nice restaurant for my birthday dinner.

        Then afterwards, Cam told me about his gift to me. Which I thought was the dinner.

        "I have a surprise for you." He smiles.

        "Okay." I smile.

       "Cynthia and Will have offered to take the boys this weekend while you and I go and have a little birthday getaway." He tells me.

       "Really? Aww baby." I tell him.

       We then head over towards a hotel and from the outside looks of it, it looked pricey and though I didn't say anything, it looked way over our budget. Boy am I glad I turned off the mind linking with him tonight.

        "Come on baby." He tells me as he wraps his arm around my waist as we begin walking inside.

       I couldn't help but look all around and be in 'Aww' of the place. It was super fancy.

       After we get checked in and head up towards the room, we stop in front of the door and I look at him and as he's looking at me he smiles while looking into my eyes. Then he places a hand gently on the side of my face and says, "I love you."

       "I love you too." I reply.

      He then kisses me on the lips and then says, "Close your eyes."

      "Okay." I reply softly.

       I close my eyes, then hear him opening the door and helps me walk into the room and then I hear him shut the door behind him.

      "Okay love, now open your eyes." He tells me quietly in my ear.

      As soon as I opened my eyes I was in shock. I felt as though this was a scene right out of a movie.

       The room was lit with nothing but candles, there were both different color rose petals scattered all over the floor and all the way up to the bed, that lead to a purple velvet box.

        "Oh my god. Baby! This is..." was all I could say at the moment. For I was speechless. There were no words to describe how I felt in that moment.

        "Why don't you go and open your gift." He tells me.

        To which I walk over and lift the box up and as soon as I open it up, I cover my mouth with my hand and then begin to cry.

       "Oh my god." I said. I looked up at him with my eyes filled with happy tears.

       "Is it okay?" He begins as he starts walking up to me.

       "It's more than okay. It's beautiful." I tell him as I look back down at the purple diamond charm bracelet from Pandora that has all different charms to represent, him, our kids, the pack, Cynthia and Will.

       I suddenly feel his hand lay on the side of my face again as he begins to wipe away the tear that has escaped my eyes and has me look up at him.

       "You deserve this. You deserve more than this. But for right now, this is all I can give you and my heart. You're my everything, Kristy. There aren't enough words to describe my love for you. You've made me become a better man. You are the best mother to our kids and the best wife a man could ever ask for." He tells me.

        Okay, good thing I wore waterproof mascara.

        "I love you too so much. More than you'll ever know. And you and the boys and Cynthia, Will, and everyone, I am so blessed to have you all in my life." I tell him as I lean his head down closer to mine and we start kissing again and making out, which of course leads us to making love to each other.

         I'm not sure what I did to deserve this great life. But all I can say is I am so happy to be always, HIS Curvy Luna.

                          THE END!!!!!

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