CHAPTER 6: Forgiveness? or Death?

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        I know that I have a lot of making up to do with her. But the fact that she is willing to give me another chance is amazing.

        After pulling up to the house, with her and I walking up the walk way hand in hand, Cynthia opens the door before we get in and she comes running out, hugging Kristy tightly.

         "I'm soooo glad that you're alive!" She says excitedly.

         "Me too." Kristy replies.

         "And as for you..." Cynthia begins to tell me while making me think I'm in trouble. "It's about damn time you put your big boy pants on." She tells me.

         "Yeah yeah, I know." I tell her.

         "Well, you guys are just in time. Will is almost done with the burgers out back." She says with a smile.

         "Smells good. I'm starving." Kristy says as we begin to head inside the house.

         "Of course you are." She says to Kristy while winking and smiling at me before putting an arm over Kristy's shoulder and we all head out back.

          Everyone was excited to see Kristy and I back together. Mostly Kristy though.

         I was really happy. As I was sitting at the dinner table with Kristy on my lap and everyone else eating, when I began thinking that there's no better place than I'd rather be here with all my family and Kristy. Life was amazing right now.

         After dinner was over, Kristy and I both were really tired and had decided to go to bed early.


          The next day, Kristy slept in while I had to attend a meeting with the council to explain my actions.

           I got more nervous than I've ever been. And even though my parents are head of the council, I am still judged by everyone else, including them. They must separate personal from business.

          Though I was embarrassed and truly sorry for my actions, there was still facing the consequences.

          So before knocking on the door to the room, I took in a few deep breaths and hoped that I didn't pass out or threw up in there and straighten my posture real quick, then I knocked. Here goes nothing.

           "You may enter!" I heard my father's stern voice on the other side of the door in the room.

          I then open up the door and walk inside. Which feels more like I'm walking down death row.

          I see my parents in their serious councilmen attire along with the looks on their faces that match.

         "Take a seat." My father says as he gestures with his hand towards the chair in the middle of the table shaped in a half circle that sat the councilmen and both my parents in front of me.

          I feel as though I can't look any of them in the eye. So much for bravery.

          "This meeting has begun." My father began. "Alpha. Do you agree that you have fallen weak as an Alpha and have gone against as well as abandon your duties as Alpha for your pack for the recent actions you have taken?"

           "Yes. I have neglected my duties as Alpha for longer than I should have. I even stopped having contact with anyone during that time." I said.

            "Do you have anything to say for yourself and your actions? Any explanations?" My mom asks.

           "Well, I don't believe there is any explanation good enough or an excuse that I could give you that justifies what I did. And I'm really sorry and embarrassed that I ever doubted the Moon Goddess. Which I have asked for forgiveness on my way here today and she has forgiven me. I guess, the only thing I can say is that along with being a werewolf, I am also a human. I'm still learning, as I'm sure I will never stop learning. I do hope to become a great alpha like all of you here, are. But I know we make mistakes and my Luna, we have made up and is giving me another chance. Which I don't intend to mess up. I love her and am willing to do whatever it takes to make things better between her and I as well as with you councilmen. However, I also understand and am ready for any consequences I must face to make things right, today." I tell them.

         There was a moment of silence and then they all looked at each other and nodded their heads in agreement about something.

         I took in a big breath as I heard my dad clear his throat before saying anything. And to explain why I couldn't hear them mind link with one another with a decision is cause it is illegal in the law of the wolves to have mind link going when you are the one being judged and are on trial.

          "We have discusses your consequences. And after hearing you out. We have decided that you will be let off with a warning. Seeing as to how this is your first time not doing your duties as Alpha and since nothing bad happened during that time, you will be let off with a warning. But I do warn you with the caution that if this were to happen again and something happened to the council or any others in the pack, as a consequence to your actions, there will be no more warnings. Do you agree?" He asks me.

         I nod my head in agreement. "Yes." I reply.

        "Very well. Then will you please approach us here and sign the agreement form." He tells me.

         I then stand up and cut myself with the dagger that I have and let a few drops of blood hit the paper and then take a long feather and sign it. For that is how you seal and sign an agreement in the wolf council.

        I then nod to all of them and thank them, including my parents as a thank you, before heading back home.

        I'm glad it was over and now that everything was okay with them, it was now time to head home and get started on making things better and okay with Kristy.

New chapter will be posted soon! :) Also, next chapter will be from Kristy and then the chapter after that (Chapter 8), the 3rd person's POV will be revealed. 😈

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