CHAPTER 17: It's Too Late.....

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        I spent the rest of the day crying. Mostly over the fact that I was never going to see anybody again, especially Cam.

        Though I don't regret my decision, I still have a little fear deep down that maybe Nick will still have the fight and he will kill Cam's parents.

         Last night I had a dream. A dream of me and Cam getting married and us having two kids. We were happy and free from all the craziness and fear.

         The craziest part about it was how real it felt. It felt amazing. I really wish I didn't have to wake up from it.

         As I sit here on the cold disgusting floor in my cell that is located in the revolting and foul smelled basement of what I'm assuming is Nick's house, I start thinking about if Cynthia made it or not. If Nick really did let her go.

        Most importantly, I really hope she did as I asked.

        I had sacrificed myself for her and the pack, not because I wanted to be a hero or even prove myself to others that I truly was a good Luna. I put my life on the line for my family.

        Something I've learned since I've been with Cam, Cynthia all them is what love and what a family really and truly is.

        You don't have to share the same blood as one another to call each other family. You just have to love and be there for one another no matter what.

         I then hear the door slam widen open upstairs and then heard several feet stomping quickly down the stairs and then quickly open up the door to my cell.

         Then two men grab me and remove the shackle from around my ankle and then one guy throws me over his shoulder and starts carrying me upstairs.

         So badly I wanted to fight back, but I had become so weak with the lack of food and water these past couple of days, that I could barely even lift my head up.

         Then the next thing I knew, we were outside and the sun was setting.

         I had no idea what was going on. All I could see was that I was surrounded by trees as we were walking through the woods a little bit. Then I suddenly felt my back hit hard against a tree.

          "Ow!" I yelp as my back is slammed against the tree.

          Then suddenly I feel my wrists become untied and then quickly are forced down to my sides as someone else is wrapping a rope several times around me and the tree, making me not able to move.

          "Look at how pathetic you look." Nick says as both him and a few of the other guys chuckle.

          "Why are you doing this? I thought you got what you wanted?!" I asked tiredly.

          "That was before your little boyfriend found out about what I was gonna do with the council and his parents ruined the plan. So, because he fucked up my plans and took away something very important to me, I felt the only right thing to do, was take away something of his. Something Damien failed to do." He tells me.

          "Please....You have already won." I cried.

         "Almost. I know Cam is coming to rescue you tonight. And I thought what would be better than to put his love for you to the test." He grins.

         "What the hell are you talking about?" I ask him.

         "You see, I realized recently that, there is still a way for me to run the council. While my guys are killing off Cam's pack, you will be here, cold and once he smells your scent, he will need to make a choice, to either be the Alpha he claims to be and save his pack, or save his Luna. Either way, he will fail and therefore, his parents, along with the other councilmen, will have no choice but to take his title away. Then after he is dead, I will come back for you, claim I found you and saved your life. That way, I right away am rewarded with a spot in the council. Everyone loves a hero." He grins at me.

        "You sick son-of-a-bitch." I tell him.

        He starts to laugh a little bit. "Maybe you're right, but hey, everyone loves a hero. And it doesn't matter what they do to become one either."

        All of them begin to walk away and suddenly, my weakness and tiredness starts to kick in and slowly I begin to drift off and close my eyes.

       In the background, I can hear a bunch of growling coming from wolves and I start forcing myself to open my eyes and try to ignore the cold.

        Out of what sounded like a bunch of wolves fighting, I look ahead and see the bushes move and then see through my half opened eyes, a wolf come walking towards me.

        I was hoping it was Cam, but I could tell by the color of it's fur and it's eyes, it wasn't him.

        As the wolf slowly strode towards me, I noticed as it got closer, it wasn't Cam or anyone I knew. Then its scent hit me. It was Nick? What the fuck?

         This couldn't be happening. If I had heard right, then that means the fight had just taken place and Cam......Oh my god, Cam. I though to myself.

         I tried wriggling out from the ropes with the little strength that I had left. Though right as I was about to accept my fate, I suddenly heard a growl and the next thing I see is a wolf come leaping out of nowhere and immediately jumps onto Nick's wolf. Right away, I knew it was Cam.

          Then I see them go at it and then suddenly hear an excruciatingly piercing howl coming from Nick's wolf as I suddenly see that Cam has ripped out a chunk from Nick's neck.

          Nick's wolf then lays motionless. Which as happy as I am to see that, right as I notice Cam's wolf looking over at me, I smile a little bit before blacking out.

         I'm not sure what just happened. But what I do know, is if I just took my last breath, at least the last thing I got to see was my Alpha and that he was alright.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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