CHAPTER 13: No Matter What.....

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We trained really hard for the next several days.

I found out my strengths and weaknesses throughout the training.

Even though I know what I'm supposed to do, I still find things new to learn every day. Including how fighting really works. That it's more than just physical strength. And the things I thought I knew about being a werewolf, was completely wrong.

On one of the days, Cam blindfolded me and had me put earplugs into my ears.

He told me that part of being a great fighter and winning, is learning how to fight, even as a wolf, with your instincts and trusting them. And also, what it would be like if you couldn't hear or see your enemy come after you. Also, he mentioned to me that though you can smell them, it still is difficult to always point out the exact location of where they're at.

So in order for me to trust my instincts, I needed to have all my other senses gone.

I remember standing still and though I still could smell his scent, he was moving really fast around me. To where I didn't knoe where he was at exactly. I couldn't see him nor hear him.

When I thought I was trusting my instincts, I really wasn't. Because whenever I felt like I knew where he was, he was always opposite and would hit me. Not hard enough to leave a mark or draw any blood of course. But to show me that without trust with my instincts, everything else, including all my senses are worthless.

So we trained on those things for the several days of training. Each day I was getting better and was mainly him who was teaching me. It finally came the time where I got so good at it, I kicked his butt while being blindfolded and not able to hear anything.

I felt like I was finally ready with the knowledge and the training I went through. And soon, it a would be put to the test.

Today, both Cynthia and I were out shopping for a few things. Including a dress to wear tonight to a nice dinner that both Cam and Will were taking us both out to as a celebration for not just the training, just for being there for each other.

I was waiting for Cynthia outside the dressing room when I noticed from the corner of my eye, some guy that looked like he wasn't the type to shop here. In fact, I could smell him and it wasn't good.

I began being nervous, weird and a little scared.

Though luckily, Cynthia finally came walking out, holding the dress she wanted to buy and asked me, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah. It's just, that guy over there, I don't have a good feeling about him. I think we should leave right now." I tell her.

"Of course. Let's head back to the house." She suggests as we walk up to the counter and pay for our dresses and then head towards the car.

Then while on our way home, we start to hear the car make a funny noise. So we stopped and thankfully, Cynthia knows alot about cars and needed to pop the hood to check it out.

So we both got out and as she's bent over, looking to find something that's wrong, a car slowly pulls up behind us and a man gets out of the car. Along with another guy.

"You guys alright?" The driver asks.

"Yeah we're fine, thanks. Our boyfriends are coming to get us and will be here any minute." I said quickly.

The guys both look at each other and laugh a little bit before looming back at both Cynthia and I and both of us look at one another.

"Now we both know that's a lie." The passenger says.

The next thing I knew, the two men ran up to us and as we started fighting them off, or at least trying to, we ended up being chloroformed and the next thing I remember was everything going black.


When I finally came to and woke up, I began looking around as I saw that I was in what looked to be a jail cell in a basement or dungeon type place that smelled and looked a lot like a place from the movie Hostel.

When I tried to walk towards the front of the cell, I quickly discovered that my ankle was chained to the wall and wouldn't allow me to reach the bars in front of me.

I then heard a familiar female voice. It was Cynthia. She was in the cell right next to me, also chained.

"Cynthia?" I asked.

"Kristy?" She says. "Where the hell are we?" She asks me.

"I don't know. Are you okay?" I asked her.

"Yeah. Yeah. I'm fine. Are you?" She asks.

"Yeah." I reply.

I quickly try and mind link to Cam but soon discover that I can't.

We then hear a squeaky metal door open from behind us.

I turn around to see who it is and there's a few men.

The two guys that are walking behind some mafia looking guy, were the two guys at the car.

Then as they stand beside each other and look at me, the one who looks like a Mafia boss, begins to talk to me.

"You." He says to me. "You are Cam's Luna!" He says.

"Yeah. So?" I reply.

"I'm Nick. It's nice to finally meet my sister-in-law." He says with a creepy smirk.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask him.

"Aww. You know what I want." He tells me.

"But why? Why are you doing this?" I ask him.

"Because, you killed MY Luna." He states.

"It wasn't my fault." I began.

"Yes it was. And besides, that isn't the ONLY reason, I have taken you." He begins.

"I know. Cam told me about your sister. But you can't blame him for that. None of that was hos fault and you know it." I tell him.

"Don't try that with me. All that psychologist bullshit. Because it was his fault. He let her die. He was supposed to protect my little sister and he failed to. Yet now, he has a great reputation as being one of the greatest Alpha's whose parents are head of the council. In which I assure you that after all this is over, I will be the new head of the council." He grins at me.

"What are you talking about?" I asked.

"I plan to get rid of his parents. Then after watching them die, it'll be your turn next. Damien failed at what I will not." He begins to laugh a little bit.

"You're never going to get away with this. Cam will find us and make sure that he has your head along with your other dogs." I threaten him.

"Man, I can see what he loves about you." He says to me. He then starts heading back out of the room when before he leaves, he looks back at me and says, "Oh and don't bother trying to mind link or anything with Cam. This room is made of different harsh chemicals that affect your ability to mind link."

Then him and the guys with him all start heading back out of the basement and shut the door again and lock it.

"What the hell are we gonna do?" Cynthia asks me.

"I don't know. But I will think of something. I promise. I wont let them hurt any of you. Including Cam." I assure her. Then we both share a cry with one another.

Next chapter will be posted soon! :)

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