Chapter 12 - The Reunion

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Jae seems to be indifferent after that. I felt like he was really disappointed with himself.

I woke up early as it is my first day at work. Jae wasn't able to drive me so I walked my way to the office. I miscalculated the distance, it was far.

I was almost late, I quickly badge in and look for the room I was assigned to when I bumped in to somebody.

His smell is familiar and when I looked up. It was Taehyung. He was surprised as well.

"Long time, no see." He said smiling.

"Hi..." I said as I continue walking.

"Turn right... the new hire briefing is in the room to your left." He said.

I turned around.

"Thank you." I said.

"Nice seeing you again." He said smiling.

The briefing last a whole day. I received a text from Jae.

Jae: I'll be late. Maybe an hour or so. Could you wait or you want to go home?

Me: I'll wait. Take care.

There was a pantry in our office and I decided to wait inside.

"Hi, again." It was Taehyung.

"Hi... I didn't know you work here." I said nervously.

"Waiting for someone?" He asked.

"My boyfriend. He's gonna be late." I averted my gaze from him.

"Boyfriend... wow, you do dating now." He said mockingly.

It's because I wasn't able to attend college because you knocked me up. He was there for me and that's the least I could do. Yes, you have a kid that you are not aware about.

"Did you get my letter? The one I gave to your co-worker." He asked.

"Yes, but I didn't read it." I said.

"Kinda expected that. You haven't texted or visited me in our new apartment. I just wanted to know if your co-worker who seems to be in love with you decides to fuck me over." He said. He's now clenching his jaw.

I texted Jae that I will go home instead.

"Tae, it's been three years. Get over it. I did." I stood up. He followed me. When we reached the corridor. He grabbed me and got me into a room.

"Really? You got over me. Funny because I didn't, it must've been because when you told me you loved me you decided to never talk to me again." He said.

"Well you fuck someone, that changes things." I said.

"I haven't in a while. I still can't get over you." He pinned me and licked my ear. He plant kisses on my neck and I became a moaning mess.

He slid in hands on my thighs. Wearing a skirt was not a good idea. I felt his fingers traced my opening.

"You're wet already. Looks like you're lying" He whispered to my ear.

My phone beeps and I remember Jae. He doesn't deserved this. He doesn't deserved to be cheated on.

I pushed Taehyung.

"I've been through hell Taehyung. He stayed by my side. He didn't fuck somebody else." I said.

I read the text.

Jae: We're coming. Stay and we'll pick you up. I'm with Jihun.

I rushed out. Taehyung followed me. I was near the door when he grabbed me.

"Y/N... Let me explain at least. Hear me out." He said.

This was their difference. Taehyung is always insistent, never backing down. Always fighting for himself. Jae cowers at any sign that endangers our relationship.

"Hear me out and I'll never bother you again... unless you let me." He said, his eyes begging.

Then I saw them. Jae coming out of the car and taking Jihun out smiling. I immediately panic.

Taehyung look outside when he saw my face.

I could sense that Taehyung knew. How would he not. Jihun is his splitting image. I saw Tae's photo when he was young and there's no difference.

Tae's loosened his grip over my arms.

"Is he..." He began to say.

"Don't mess with my life again." I said as I went out.

I carried Jihun as Jae kissed me on the cheeks. He saw Taehyung staring at us and gave me a meaningful look.

Jae didn't say anything. I don't know if he was scared or mad or he doesn't want me getting mad.

We ate outside. Jae was still silent. Except for a few cliche words. He didn't ask about Taehyung. He drive us off my mom's house. My mom got Jihun when Jae didn't want to come in.

When he was about to go. I kissed him on the lips. I wanted him to know that I will not leave him. He didn't kissed back.

"You found him." He said.

"I didn't know he was working there." I said. It was true. I didn't chase him.

"Out of all the companies you've applied, you were accepted where he's working." He said.

"It doesn't change a thing." I said.

"I know how much you love him Y/N. I know..." he said bowing his head. He looks frustrated.

"Jae, we're together. That's all that matters right?" I said.

He smirked.

"Do you still love him?... don't answer. You're right. We're together. That's important... I need to go." He kissed me on the cheeks.

"Good night." He said.

"Good night." I said.

I heard my phone beep. It was a photo from an unknown number.


I love everything about you, the way your eyes light up when you laugh at some lame jokes that I've cracked.

Your smile whenever you see me.

The feel of your arms around my neck when you hug me.

There are million things that I could write with the few days that we spent together but it still wouldn't be enough.

I know I fucked up. I really wanted more out of our relationship. I can't take it when you're talking to somebody else and saying that you like them.

I love you. Just being physical with you is something that I can't take. I look forward to talking with you every night. To hear about your day, to hear you laugh.

I thought having sex with another girl would take my mind off you. It's wrong, I know, I'm not justifying that decision but I wish you could give me another chance.

We're leaving the apartment. Here's my new address and phone number.

There are two messages.

Taehyung: I wished you could have read my letter. I took a picture because I wanted to remember how much I love you. I wished I could have been there with you.

Taehyung: If you're still mad at me. It's okay. But you to talk to me about my kid. Let's talk Y/N...

Just imagining Taehyung writing the letter made me laugh

Just imagining Taehyung made me cry. Only he could do that. Make me laugh and cry at the same time. I still love him. After all this years. I still do.

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