chapter 2- Test of wits

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Everything I imagined Hogwarts would be was absolutely nothing as amazing and grand as the majestic castle that stood before me. I didn't really like the idea of rowing across the lake in those boats but well its not like I could refuse.

"I swear if I fall in I'm gonna drain the lake" I muttered as we reached the half way point, Severus snickered. "At least they row themselves" said Lilly gazing at the huge  castle. "If I had to row I would snap the ore in half" I thought out loud, Severus snickered again.

As we walked through to the entrance,I realised how nervous about being sorted, a woman who seemed quite old and wore a dark emerald robe, introduced her self as Professor Mcgonagall and explained the house system to us, but most of the others understood already so they all looked bored while I was listening closely trying to figure it out... great just another thing I don't understand due to my mothers hatred of magic, which of course I don't understand.  

I'm such an idiot.

"I'm so exited," whispered Lilly in a hushed voice pulling me out of my thoughts. "Yeah... do you know how they sort us though?" I asked, it was probably common knowledge that my mother wouldn't tell me "nope" said Severus popping the 'p'. "maybe we have to do a test?" suggested Lilly.

I felt all the colour leave my face, a test? I knew nothing about the wizarding world! In fact if I almost didn't get a wand, Mum kept leaving going to Diagon Ally to the last minuet; I don't know why though it was the most amazing place I've ever seen...But now I've seen Hogwarst so its not anymore. If I took a test I would fail it, was there a house for people that failed or did they get kicked out of Hogwarts altogether?! 

"Okay then all of you, into the Great hall" said Professor Mcgonagall opening the massive doors.

I looked over to Lilly and Severus they were both grinning ear to ear, perhaps it wouldn't be so bad. As my eyes adjusted to the golden light cast by the touches and candles that surrounded the hall I realized that every set of eyes in the room were our group.  I felt my stomach drop, yes this was defiantly going to be 'so bad' .

a single stool sat in front of us with a yucky old hat sat on top of it, would we have to a test in front of everyone wearing that ugly old hat? suddenly the rip moved and fold became eyes, and it did something I can Honestly say I never thought i'd see a hat do.


I didn't end up catching the song because I was so close to fainting, Lilly and Severus seemed as surprised as I was, at least that's not something hats normally do in the presence of wizards. 

Once it was done the whole room applauded but  quickly  died down because the headmaster stood up from his seat in the middle of what I could only assume was the teachers table, he had a long silver beard along with a pair of half moon shaped spectacles that sat at the end of his noes. "Welcome of all of you to Hogwarts, I truly hope you all have had a pleasant summer. For those of you who do not know" he said directly looking at us first years "I am Professor Dumbledore and I am the Headmaster at Hogwarts. Now I believe is the right time to begin the sorting," he finished. 

The first name to be called was Abigail Abrigh, she was a small girl with mousy blond hair she moved her way to the stool and sat down, then professor Mcgonagall picked up the sorting hat with great care. She placed it on the girls head, it was so big that it slipped over her eyes. she sat there for a second when the hat called out on its gruff voice " HUFFLEPUFF!"

she smiled and joined the table which I could only assume was Hufflapuff considering thier cheering and when I actually payed attention to my surroundings (which I have a horrible habit of not doing) I noticed that there was a banner over each Table, which i could only assume was the crest of each house. I sighed with relief, no tests.

One by One in what seemed in no particular order, we all got called out and had the hat put on our head. when Lilly's name was called she looked at Severus and whispered "wish me luck," I wondered which house she wanted to get sorted into.

The hat took a little while longer then it had with the other then what seemed like forever ( although it only would of been 2 minutes) it called out "GRYFFINDOR!" a small smile formed on her lips as she walked over to the Gryffindor table, I noticed her glancing at Severus, I wondered how he felt about her going into Gryffindor considering how he talked about it on the train.

My name was called out soon after Lillys was called, as I walked over to the stall I could feel every pair of eyes on me, 'don't fall, don't fall, I swear if I fall I'm going to die of embarrassment!' I thought to myself.

When I looked at the teachers table a few of them were muttering to each other and kept glancing at me... perhaps they knew my mother? well whatever they were talking about it was NOT helping my nerves. i sat down on the stool and looked strait ahead.

As the Sorting hat went on my head ( and slipped over my eyes) I could feel the energy pulsing through the hat, I wasn't sure if it reassured me or scared me even more.

" A strong heart you have there" it said in my head, I can honestly say that scared me, god I am such a wuss "yet your as timid as the stereotype of a hufflepuff, not that I care about stereotypes, now lets see... you thirst for knowledge and use this pretty little head of yours" Aww it called me pretty. "Your brave when you need to be , your humble and believe in people, you are also cunning but in a way to better everyone, you lead from behind letting others in the front believe they are leading... tricky one arn't you? were do you belong? "Slytherin" I whispered under my breath... Since when did I want to go there, Meh it sounds cool. "So girl, that's where you want to go? be sure though you do not want end up somewhere you hate" I felt so pressured. Slytherin seemed pretty cool... "Yes?" 

" SLYTHERIN!" boomed throughout the great hall, I hoped I had made the right decision.

The Sorting at was lifted over my head and I walked over to the applauding table with a silver and green crest of a snake hanging over it. A boy with shoulder length blond hair and a badge that read 'PREFECT' on his robes held out his hand to me "I'm Lucius Malfoy" he said as I took his hand "Mia Birsa" I replied taking a seat.

After 2 Gryffindors, 3 Ravenclaws and a  6 Hufflepuff later Severus's name was called, almost as soon as Professor Magonagall had let go of the hat she had to pick it off his head again due to it yelling "SLYTHERIN!"  I clapped along with the rest of the house as Severus took his place next to me, which I was happy about, at least I may could have one friend this year...maybe.

after all the other first years had been sorted, the headmaster Dumble... something ( urgh why does everyone in the wizarding world have such strange names it was going to take me forever to remember all these odd names!)  stood up looked as if he was going to say something important but instead simply said " dig in" ... what an odd man with an odd name.

As Severus and I ate and talked with the other students that surrounded us I couldn't help but notice that he kept glancing to the Gryffindor table, how long had him and Lilly been friends? why should I care? what was going on with me?

Ugh... this Boy with black hair and eyes that looked like they had seen wonders and disasters had me utterly confused along with this whole new world. Wow that sounds cool, it's not like I fancy him or anything. Its just that he's as foreign to me as this new world or magic and he seems pretty cool... I've been using the word cool a lot havn't I? Who am I talking to? Oh yeah myself Duh!

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