Chapter 21: Bossy snake.

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I spent the day acting as if everything was okay, luckily I didn't have any classes with Bellatrix so I didn't have to worry about having to talk to her. Through out the day a few people asked me if I was okay or if I needed to go to the infirmary, I then proceeded to yell at them about how I had run out of makeup and how it hurt my feelings that they believed I looked sick without makeup. 

At dinner I was caught out though by someone by thought never paid attention " I know you don't even wear foundation because you can't even get it into the school," whispered Sev. "Tell me whats wrong," he said piling his vegetables on my plate. "Why are you putting you're veggies on my plate?" I asked outraged, first he catches me out and asks me to spill his feeling and then he does something that only I'm allowed to do.

"Because you need the food, you havn't eaten anything all day you just sit there and play with it," He said picking up one of the soggy beans. "I hate beans," "to bad," I bit into the limp green and then spat it across the table hitting Quirrell in the face. "W-What?" he exclaimed as Sev looked at me disapprovingly. "I'm serious you've got to eat," "No he's Sirius," I said pointing over to the Gryfindore table. Sev just rolled his eyes. "I'm okay Sev, honestly!... I just realized that I should grab some stuff, I'm sleeping in Lilly's dorm tonight, " I said cheerfully "One day you're going to get hexed," Sev said obviously pissed off. " No I won't, they love me," I then skipped out of the Great Hall, still with an empty stomach.

Once I was out of sight from everyone in the hall I stopped skipping and let my happy act down and walked to my dorm with not exactly a sad look but more a blank look, no real emotion just sort of a 'meh' face.

I said the password ( Dementor) and stuck my head into the familiar commenroom, of cause no one was in there because everyone was a t dinner but that didn't stop me from checking  if they were before stepping over the threshold. 

"Where have you been?" asked Sunfire at once from the couch, we had made a snake sized doggy-door on her tank and she now had full rain over the commonroom.

"Sorry, I slept over in Lilly's dorm." 

"For two days? In the same clothes? Without telling me?" She said catching on that something was off with my story, damn the snake was smarter then all the humans that I gave the same answer to. 

"Alright, the first night I was in the infirmary." 

"What happend? Did you fall of the stairs again?" 

"No, nothing on the outside was harmed...just my inside." 

I sat down on the coach next to her and she promptly made her way up my arm and over my shoulders. "Tell me," I began to tell her everything from when I decided to meet up with the centaurs to being lucky enough that when I vomited none of it got on myself. 

"Please don't tell anyone, what she did was terrible but if anyone found out she would probably be sent to Askaban, and I don't thank anyone deserves that." I finished. 

"Who am I going to tell? You are the only human I have met that I can talk to," she stated " and I have no advice I can give to you that would help but I ham sure that you will be able to find that spark again."

"What spark?" I asked, curious on what this snake had to say. 

"You lack your, spark of sorts, your excitement, wonder of the world. Pain can do that." 

"Since when did you become such a philosopher?" 

She flicked her tongue which was a snakes equivalent of shrugging. "I should go pack some stuff because I'm staying with Lilly again, I don't want to see Bellatrix at the moment," I said getting from the couch. "Bring me with you," Sunfire demanded, "I don't think the girls would appreciate me bringing a snake into there room," I laughed, "also I don't think Slughorn would appreciate me stealing the house mascot. 

"Its not as if you havn't done it before," "true" I said contemplating it, I took her around the school quite often, no one ever said anything, like Marritta said once, 'you take it home on the holidays for Slughorn, its defiantly your snake," 'Yeah may as well show Sunfire the lions den,' I thought to myself. 

"Alright, let me pack some stuff and I'll take you okay?" I said smiling  at my bossy snake. 

"Good," she huffed, chuckling I placed my hand on my bed, allowing Sunfire to slid on to it while I dug through my trunk. 


"It is quite warm in here," commented Sunfire as she looked around the circular room, " So it is" I said sitting on the couch while I let her explore. Every now and again she would ask me what something was, so if anyone was listening in on our conversation they would just here stuff like: "Everything is red because its there house colour" , "Yes I much prefer looking at fish then the dark forest as well" , " No you can not eat that rat, its probably someones pet." , " I SAID NO! SPIT IT OUT!" or would they just hear a bunch of hissing considering no one else at Hogwarts is a parselmouth? meh.

As Sunfire began to climb a up a curtain someone walked into the commonroom. "Wormtail, are you there? Oh its you, Mia." Said Black stratching his back, "since when were we on a first name basis?" I asked taking my feet off the couch. 

He simply shrugged and sat down next to me. I put my feet down so that he didn't have an excuse to hex me, not so that he could sit down next to me. Urgh.

what are you doing Sirius?" I asked, sneering slightly. " HA!" He said pointing if finger an inch in front of my face. " You called me Sirius!' I bit his finger, "Don't point at me," I said when he looked at me questioningly clutching his finger to his chest. 

"Um, Mia?" he  was looking at his shoes and was blushing so much he looked like a tomato, 'shit is my bra showing or something?' I thought to myself, like the stealthy person I am I reached to my shoulder and realised that I had a long sleeve shirt on, so no bra then. What was he so nervous about then?

"What?" I said tying to play it cool, whatever he had to say I couldn't care less, not that he would of told me anything important, were not exactly what you would call friends. 

"Willyougotohogsmeanwithme?" He said in about three seconds flat. "What?" I said raising one eyebrow, I have trouble understanding people when there was a snake in a room because my head coudn't decide on parseltounge or English but when you speak at 150 miles an hour I have no hope to understand you.

"Will you go to Hogsmead with me, this weekend, as in, a date." 

"What?!" what the actual F#ck? Since when-? I mean- He doesn't- Does he?

"He said-" "I know what he said," I called back to Sunfire who always took things literally, 'oh great I just spoke parseltounge in front of the non-parseltounge.' 

"Did you just hiss?" He asked, I could tell he was also questioning my sanity.

"Yes, I was speaking to the snake up there." I got up from the couch and detached Sunfire from a curtain, I was at the bottom of the girls dormitory stairs when he realised that I hadn't answered his question.

"Wait! So will you-?" 

"I'll think about it." 

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: Okay guys I'm sorry that you've had to wait this long, I've been really uninspired. A part of me doubts that anyone reads this anyway... Well to those who do, what do you think of Sirius's little crush? Ship or sink? okay I'm gonna go now. 

Stay tasty 

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