Chapter 30: Sirius Black.

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Okay warning the first little section is a teenage boys dreams if you get what I mean, the innocent of mind proceed with caution its not  smutty but its not exactly kids TV ether.


Sirius Blacks point of view.

  "Mia" I moaned as Mia ran her sweet lips across my neck, her hands running through my hair. "Oh Sirius," she murmured between kisses. 

She bought her lips back to mine, full of passion.Stars exploded behind my eyes and it was like the planets ha alined... As stupid as this sounded I could almost hear wedding bells faintly in the distance, Damn she was perfect.

Slowly she began to undo the buttons on my shirt, all the while her lips were still on mine our tongues dancing. Following suit I began to undo the buttons on her shirt, "Why are there so many buttons?!" I growled. 

"Padfoot?" She asked as she lowered down to kiss me again.


 "PADFOOT!" Yelled Prongs, shaking me awake. "Sorry to wake you mate but were almost at Hogsmead and your bloody moaning was giving me a headache," Prongs said smirking.  I looked around at my mates who were all snickering at me; Shit was I talking in my sleep?!

" I wasn't really... Was I?" I asked nervously. 

"OH MIA!!" Mooney pretended to moan, the others burst out laughing.

"Ohhhhhhh!" They all piped in, I could feel my face heating up, why the hell did I have to fall asleep then? Why did I have to dream about... That?

Just as I thought they were going to let it drop Wormtail began pointing to my lap and laughed so hard you would of thought he popped a vein from laughing...what was so funny? Oh.... Brilliant.

"Shut up would ya!" I said hitting prongs who was sitting next to me. And then kicked Wormtail lightly


Zuko's joke shop really needed to get more supplies, I mean dung bombs and all that are great but its getting hard to think up of original pranks now because me or one of the boys has already done it or Mia freaking has.

I walked over to the counter with a few Mickys secret noise buttons and a handful of dung bombs anyway. 

"Hey Sirius," said Rick, he ran the shop and so by default he knows me pretty well. "Hey man," I replied chucking my stuff on the counter, "Have you got those fags I asked for?"

"Yeah man, I knew you'd be in today so I put 'em under the counter didn't I?" Rick said his head headed from view as he dug through whatever was under the counter, "'ere they are" he said slapping the cardboard box of 20 packs of cigarettes down in front of me. 

"Thanks mate" I said putting the money I owed him down. I snatched up my stuff and walked out of the store with a lit cigarette in my mouth.

Because of the stupid anti- muggles charms on the school I couldn't get the fags in the school so I just left the right outside the boundary's in one of the passageways, so whenever I felt stressed or just needed a break I would sneak down there and have a smoke. 

I walked around trying to think of how to kill the hour until Mia and I were going to meet up when I bumped into someone, think of the devilette and she shall appear.

"Hey Mia," I said holding her steady considering I bumped into her and she looked like she was about to go toppling.

"Oh hello Sirius, I didn't notice you," She said dreamily staring up at me with the large brown eyes.

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