Chapter 7- Friends

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After a enlightening lesson on doxys which involved Professor Marietta showing us doxy behaviours by demonstrating herself, we all began to clear out of the room.

once we were out of earshot from the room Severus was the first one to voice what we were all thinking " what a freak" he snickered, at that i let out the laugh that i was holding in throughout the whole lesson. "As ,uch as i dot like bad mouthing teachers, she's defiantly nutters" giggled Lilly "yep" agreed Quirrell laughing fairly hard. 

Suddenly someone pushed through our group causing me to fall over and Severus to drop his books.

"Are you OK?"  asked Severus as he knelt down to pick his books up, "Yeah, who was that anyway?" 

"That Potter guy from the train." Severus stood up now with all his books in his book bad were he should of had them in the first place, then reached his hand out to me, I took it and let him help me up.

"What a dick" commented Lilly glaring in the direction he was running.  

"C-c-come on" said Quirrell taking the lead towards our next class.


" I can't believe its only are first day" I said as we all walked into the Great Hall "I'm so tired!" 

" Well you may be tired but I'm starving" said Severus as we headed to the Slytherin table. 

" Um guys..." Said Lilly when she realized. " Oh I'm So sorry Lilly I forgot-"  "its ok Severus, I don't care, really... we can all hangout after dinner anyway" and with that she walked to the Gryfindor table.

"S-s-sometimes this house system r-r-really sucks" said Quirrel as we all sat down. "yeah" I agreed.

We all sat there in an awkward silence not sure what to say. "So how was your first day?" asked a rather cheerful Lucius, " Odd"  replied Quirrell not really bothering to look up from his lamb chops "and why would that be" asked Lucius as he sat down next to me ( across from the boys) and helped himself to a custard tart.

" We had professor Marietta for DADA" replied Severus, w had taken to calling Defence Against the Dark Arts DADA simply because it was easier. "Ahh, But you see most students cant stop talking about her, after a class with that nutter but you lot seem like she told you your owl just died" he said putting another tart on his plate. 

"W-w-we were in till o-one of our friends had t-t-to leave" muttered Quirrell glancing over at the Gryffindore table. 

"So what if you cant eat dinner with all your friends? Its not like you can't ever see them again or are banned from talking to them. Idiots." and with that he got up to join his friends at the other end of the table with a plate full of custard tarts.

After a couple more bites of treacle tart, I leaned back and said "I'm full"  with a satisfied sigh.

"Me to" replied Severus leaning back The same way I was.

"S-Same"  said Quirrell catching on to the joke.

In retaliation I through a scone at them.

" having fun without me?" said Lilly as she walked behind the boys, " we cant have any of that" she said as she picked up a cake with excessive amounts of frosting. Oh Dear


Stepping out of the shower I sighed, it took forever to get all the stickiness out of my hair.

After putting on a dressing gown I wrapped my blond hair in a towel. Walking along the hallway of the Slytherin girls dorms i mentally thanked the architects of Hogwarts for putting bathrooms in each dorms because i would not want to walk though the castle with just a dressing gown on and my robes there filthy with frosting. 

I walked into the room to find that only Bellatrix was there, sitting on the bed reading the daily prophet. "hello Blondie"  she said as I slipped behind the changing curtain to put on my sleepwear.

"You know blond hair isn't very Slytherin like" she remarked "you should die it black"  "I should what?!" I exclaimed walking out from behind the curtain now fully dressed. " Die it black! a new look for your first year" she had got up from the bed now was looking at me excitedly, its actually not a bad idea i thought to myself. 

"lets do it! but maybe not black" I said with a smile "Oh but we don't have any die" I realized out-loud. 

"My mother uses a colour change charm with her grey hair and I picked it up" she boasted. "Ok I'm trusting you.... lets start with black but I don't think It will look good on me" I said nervously I hope this girl knows what shes doing.

Getting out her wand she let out a exited shriek, shes about as weird as her name I though nervously, no backing out now Mia. 

She pointed her wand at me and i closed my eyes nervously, then I heard a confident "Colovaria."


"What the devil is going on here?" asked one of our dorm mates,  guess it would of looked a little odd me sitting on a chair in the middle of the room with Bellatrix pointing her wand to my head. "I'm giving not-so-blondie a makeover" said Bellatrix with a slightly crazy smile, she needs to get out more.

" So far we've tried Black,Red and brown but nothing seems so suite me" I explained. 

" I see..." she said walking over to her bed. " what about green?" she asked with an arched eyebrow, "house spirit for Slythereeeen" she said laughing, probably mocking a teacher I hadn't met. 

"Maybe not" I said laughing. 

"Hang on a sec" she said digging through her bag," here it is" she said holding a muggle magazine, flipping though the pages then stopped on a model." what about this?" she said pointing to the Models head. 

"I guess we could try it"


-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHORS NOTE: Hello everyone!!!! How are you all? 

 I hope you'ved enjoyed this chapter! 

not much else to say except...

I hereby make and Unbreakable vow to update soon!

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