Chapter 4- Morning

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After a while of us just sitting there watching the fire I felt my eyes grow heavy, " hey I'm going to my dorm... if I can find it," I told Severus as I got up from the couch. "Ok, I should probably go to bed as well" he said as he got up stretching his arms above his head "Goodnight" I said as I walked through the door to the girls dorms "Goodnight Mia" he replied walking the opposite direction towards the boys dorms.

At the end of the corridor there were a bunch of dorms that had pieces of parchment  attached and on them were six names, I looked though each list in till I found my name and just my luck it was underneath Bellatrix Black's... great. 

When I walked into the room it was silent except for the rhythmic breathing and the sound of of the slight waves from the lake around us. I walked up to the only empty bed, luckily my trunk was right next to it so i wouldn't have to wonder around in the dark. I quickly changed into my P.J's and climbed into bed. The mattress wasn't as uncomfortable as i thought it would be.

I closed my eyes and sighed.

"WAKE UP" her voice scared the daylight out of me, I quickly sat up looking around the room, momentary forgetting where I was, I didn't even realize I had fallen asleep. A very annoyed Bellatrix was standing in font of me, "um sorry I'll get up now" I said climbing out of bed. "Whatever" she said walking to the door  "classes start at 9" and with that she walked out of the room.

I looked around the room for a clock, finding one above the window that looked into a forest of kelp. The clock read 8, I had an hour " fudge" I muttered to myself as I tried to put on my robes at record time. after I brushed my hair and applied a small amount of eyeliner I did a quick mirror check, 'yes you are prentable' I told myself. The mirror read 8:20, 'ok I have time'.

Luckily the way back to the great hall wasn't to hard: left, forward and up, though it did take me longer then I expected because I went onto a few staircases that decided to go down. 

Sitting down at the Slythin table next to Severus who was making polite conversation with a timid boy on the on the other side of him " oh, hi Mia" he said then leaned back so that I could get a better look at the boy "this is Quirinus Quirrell" "nice to meet you, Quirinus I'm Mia" I said taking his outstretched hand "p-p-please call m-me Quirrell" he stuttered, his stutter added to his timid look. I was so busy talking to Severus and Quirrell I almost forgot about food which is a big feat for me.

A hand clamped down on my shoulder nearly making me choke on my pumpkin juice, which doesn't taste as bad as you would think "Miss Birsa, you weren't in common room this morning" said professor Slughorn the head of Slytherin house . how did he know my name already? 

"Sorry sir, i slept in" I said weakly " don't worry its fine, now where is it?' he began digging though his many  pockets "AH here it is" he stated as he handed me a piece of parchment rolled into a cylinder tied with a green ribbon. " It's your schedule" he said as I hesitantly took it. with a small smile he walked off. 

"What a creepy little man" I muttered to myself as I untied the Robbin "I- I think h-he's n-n-nice" stuttered Quirrell "he is isn't he?" I said smiling at Quirrell " that's why I find him so creepy". 

After scanning my classes it seemed that we had a lot of joined classes with Gryfindor, but how do we get to the classrooms? I had no idea where these rooms were.

"Hey Severus, do you know where these classrooms are?"  "not a clue" he replied with a mouthful of bacon. "Perhaps Lilly knows?" I asked knowing he probably hadn't seen her today "lets find her," said Severus brushing a few crumbs of his robes and standing up. "Coming Quirrell?" I asked giving my hand to him, he looked at it for a few seconds unsure but then grinned and took it "yeah".

-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AUTHORS NOTE: Hi everyone! this chapter is a little short, but hopefully I may be doing two chapters today, maybe not depends on how much editing i have to do. yes that's right I've noticed a lot of stupid mistakes in earlier chapters so i'm going to back and edit. :)

I hereby make an unbreakable vow to update soon!

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