The Ghost of You

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Jay x Lloyd


Jay was sitting outside on a nearby bench. He had a habit of doing that when he couldn't sleep. He was dressed in his blue winter coat, a blue hat, and a blue scarf. He also had on green mittens and his green winter boots.

The cold wind blew against his face, slightly ruffling his already messy hair. It chilled the parts of his cheeks that the fluffy scarf did not cover, but Jay ignored it. It soothed him.

He looked up at the sky. Stars poked out from behind a grey cloud. The moon sat high in the sky, and the stars that were not hidden danced around it.

Jay reached up to the sky, like he was trying to pull a star away from its family. The wind blew again, but Jay still did not go home. Memories that he cherished came rushing back to him. How he and Lloyd played video games and Jay always won. How the two always went on walks during spring, summer, and fall. How they always just cherished the time they had together.

Tears began to rush down Jay's cheeks like fast flowing rivers. He covered his face with his hands and bawled. Everything on his heart came tumbling out like there was no tomorrow.

"Why did you have to leave me?" Jay whispered to nobody. "We still had so much time left, but you had to leave!" The brunette sat there, on the bench, alone, crying his heart out. He felt so bad that Lloyd was... gone. He could have prevented the accident, but he had been too late.

"All I have now is the ghost of you."



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