Every Morning

920 13 12

Pairing: Cole x Jay
For: CreggsAndBacon
Extra Notes: Sorry I haven't been updating this book. I'm currently writing some Bechloe oneshots on another app called Jotterpad and being a random person around Wattpad. Sorry XP


A small chirping of a bird sounding from outside woke Jay that morning. He blinked the sleep out of his eyes and stretched out his jaws in a long yawn. He turned over to his side and nuzzled into his significant other, Cole. Jay drew in a deep breath and enjoyed the earthy smell that his sleeping companion gave off.

"Jay," Cole mumbled sleepily. "Stop smelling me." The black-haired ninja turned over so that his nose was just inches away from Jay's. He made sure that he was breathing from his nose so his 'Morning Breath' wouldn't discomfort his brunette.

"Sorry!" Jay chuckled. "I can't help loving your smell!" He wriggled in closer to the older man, drawing in a deeper breath and sighing when he got what he wanted.

Cole laughed lightly and gave Jay a little kiss. It wasn't a full, hungry kiss, but a small, morning kiss that sent sparks through the brunette's small body - literally.

Cole jumped back when he felt a small spark shoot through him. He screeched-giggled, smile streching on for millions of miles.

Jay's heart bounced up and up again. He loved seeing Cole like this, happy and without a care in the world.

"I love you so much," Jay whispered, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's waist. He rested his head on Cole's side of their rainbow body pillow and stared up in his chocolate brown eyes. They lay their for what seemed like hours, lost in each other's beautiful eyes.

"I love you, too," Cole breath, placing another soft kiss on Jay's lips. This time, the brunette kissed back, feeling the electric energy pulse through him with every heartbeat.

If I could, Jay thought, I would do this every single morning, through life and through death.

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